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according to the authoritative Marilyn Encyclopedia- Yes. She was open half length, or as some wags will call the mortuary style-Playing card fashion. The casket itself was bronze and was lined in champagne-colored silk, She was laid out in a Green Pucci Gown( presumably of the Empire type) she had purchased in Mexico. Her blonde hair was styled in a Pageboy, a familiar style. as far as known no pictures of her restored body have been made public, though there are probably artist"s conceptions. There is conflicting evidence as to whether artificial hair pieces were used in her wake- one source claims she was buried in a wig owing to autopsy tests- still her hair was in a pageboy style. see the Marilyn Encyclopedia- which even names the set-up personnel who were involved in the sad task of dressing Monroe for heaven, and arranging her hair, etc. it is all in that book.

Her casket was open at her wake. Those present that sad day said that Joe DiMaggio kissed Marilyn while she was in her casket, and it would have had to be open in order for that to be possible.

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11y ago

I read that she had an open casket but her husband Roman was the only one allowed to view her. They cradled her unborn child Paul in her arms. I personally would have liked to have seen that photo but he was the only one to see it.

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Was left-eye casket open at funeral?

Yes, Lisa "Left Eye" Lopes had an open casket.

Which of the-following is a common mourning custom?

Holding a visitation for, or viewing of, the body in an open casket

Did Aaliyah have an open asket?

NO Aaliyah did not have a no open casket, matter of fact there was either nothing too little of the remain in the casket, when the plan blew up she had severe burns and blow the head trama. Actually she did have an open casket. There is a picture of it. She's wearing her favorite color, pink eye shadow. Though what happened she still looked very beautiful. Sorry That was her sleeping ON THE WAY to the BAHAMAS she was sleeping and FATIMA snook a picture of her.

Did Lisa lopes have a open casket?

Lisa "Left Eye" Lopes's casket was engraved with her eerily morbid rap from TLC's smash hit 'Waterfalls'"Dreams are hopeless aspirations, in hopes of comin' true.. believe in yourself the rest is up to me and you"

Did Aaliyah have her casket open?

I highly doubt it due to severity of the injuries her and her entourage received from the plane crashing. The coroner will have a autopsy done and if the morgution declares it orange then neither the family or the public will be allowed to view the body. Only people such as the parents can petition to view the body and even then the petition can be denied. From my understanding Aaliyah was burned extremely badly and her body was contorted so i doubt very strongly that the funeral was open casket. They had pictures of her everywhere and to the left of the casket but it was closed the entire time. i think about Aaliyah,you 're right after a crash ,the body is severely injuried ,a crash car or a crash plane this is the same was better that everybody and her family remember Aaliyah in a good record,alive,with joy.i saw my mother dead and she was different,the body change with the remember Aaliyah alive was a good choice for her relatives.the death was so unwaited and tragical that everybody were shocked!!!!! Aaliyah was very loved and will always be remembered no because she was burned so badly her family didn't want it open There might be also a "yes" a n d "no" answer because of the type of casket used in Aaliya's funeral. She had one of the last seamless solid copper deposit caskets (units made from electrolytically deposited copper instead of welded sheets of copper) manufactured by the former National Casket Co. of Boston, Mass. This was a very exclusive casket, extremely heavy (around 800 lbs) and extraordinarily expensive - topped only by cast bronze units. This type of casket was also used for the funerals of President Franklin D. Roosevelt and for Elvis Presley (though in their cases round corner designs had been chosen instead of the more female looking urn-shaped design used in her case). Aaliya's casket had even a silver plated finish adding to the high price. In addition to that, it was a double lid casket: under the undivided outer top there was a divided inner lid. (There is a picture of such an opened copper deposit casket on Flickr.) This would have made it possible to open the outer lid during the funeral ceremony while keeping the inner lid closed. This is sometimes done in cases of mutilated bodies: it allows the mourners to place flowers and last gifts into the casket of the deceased while being spared seeing the mutilated face. If this was the case with Aaliyah's funeral, it would have been correct to speak of a closed casket as well as of an open casket.

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The casket was open in funeral home for private family viewing. In a traditional church funeral the casket is not usually open for the service. Also The funeral was televised and the family wanted privacy. As a result they did not want the casket open for the world to see Their beloved family member on view for all the world to see. So much for that thanks to the Enquirer. Poor Poor Taste in my opinion.

Was left-eye casket open at funeral?

Yes, Lisa "Left Eye" Lopes had an open casket.

What is an open casket funeral?

This is a funeral where the casket is open for viewing of the deceased by the mourners. It is a common type of funeral, but some families prefer that the casket be closed instead.

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No, at the request of her family, the casket was closed.

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No. Luther Vandross did not have an open casket funeral.

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More Fun Than an Open Casket Funeral was created in 1987.

Did Mattie moss Clark had a open viewing casket to the public?

Yes and it wasn't a casket it was a bed she put in a casket when she was burried

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