Georges Simenon wrote the Maigret novels and short stories.
Cam Davies is 5' 10".
Rupert Gunnis died in 1965.
Rupert McGuigan was born in 1941.
Rupert Weinstabl was born in 1911.
Rupert Davies was born on 1916-05-22.
Rupert Davies died on 1976-11-22.
There are currently close relatives of Rupert Davies living in London, Wales, various counties in England, Germany, Thailand and Bosnia.
Yes, he did. 1965. It was filmed largely on location in Plymouth.
Rupert Everett played Prince Secundus in Stardust.
The cast of Health in Our Time - 1948 includes: Rupert Davies Richard Massingham
Rupert Grint isn't in the Lion King
Brandon Davies plays for the Philadelphia 76ers.
Brandon Davies plays power forward for the Philadelphia 76ers.
W J A. Davies has written: 'How to play Rugby Football'