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Hello, the official weight of Bella Swan is 115lbs for 5ft 4in (100% reliable) ;

in breaking dawn( part 2 )when she was pregnant and had lost weight, jacob says she's a 110lbs girl, he rounds so i think she could be aroud 48kg in that time and after her transformation she returns to her normal weight.

its my opinion, you agree? :)bye

Oh and if you talked about Kristen Stewart she didn't lost weight its a digital effect.

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βˆ™ 11y ago
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βˆ™ 15y ago

I don't know if the had to lose weight. But he had to build muscle, and he's skinnier now than he was before

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βˆ™ 12y ago

short answer, no.

he has just grown up from 18 to 26 in the public eye, and his face has matured.

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Q: Did Robert Pattinson have plastic surgery done?
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Grossman Plastic Surgery, who has offices in both Denver and Hollywood, center that specializes in all types of plastic surgery. You can schedule a consultation by calling 303-320-5566.

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