No, but if she did, it should be the guy who beat the crap out of her.
No Rihanna did not press charges against Chris Brown.
Rihanna was born in St. Michael, Barbados.Rihanna is from Barbados - an island of the Lesser Antilles in the eastern part of the Caribbean Sea.
Rihanna is single; she does not yet have a husband.
Rihanna's last name is Fenty and Beyonce's last name is Knowles
Rihanna is not married.
Rihanna does not have a man. She is currently single.
Rihanna's new man is Matt Kemp.
Rihanna made man down 3 days a llab
No Rihanna is not dating a girl. Rihanna is dating a man named Matt Kemp.
Rihanna Man down ;)
not at all!!!!!!!!!!!!!! not at all!!!!!!!!!!!!!! wat u on about rihanna is absolutely a boy okay .......
yes she does
no she isn't a man. if you are a rihanna fan you should be ashamed to ask this question.
Rihanna is saying things that she wants to do to a man!
No, Rihanna did not die in a plane crash. She is still alive. This is just a rumor.
Matt Kemp.
Of course they know each other. Rihanna's Man Down written by Shontelle.