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What a stupid question, No he has never tried to kill himself.

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Q: Did Randy Orton try to kill himself?
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Where can you buy Randy Orton entrance song?

Try a music downloading website that is to do with wrestling themes.

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I wasn't born yet when that happened. Try YouTube

Does anywhere in the UK sell Randy Orton gas mask shirts?

yes you cuold try eBay or wwe

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Did napleon try to kill himself?

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volterra, Italy

Why does Randy Orton hate john cena?

He doesn't hate John Cena, he actually respects him, but he doesn't want anyone to try to do anything to stop him from becoming WWE champion.

Who was the winner in Randy Orton vs Wade Barret at Bragging Rights 2010?

I'm not sure.Randy Orton had to win.Wade Barret DEMANDED John Cena to be in his corner.Randy Orton said "if u cause me to lose my WWE Championship at Bragging Rights I will have absouelutely no problem punting u in the skull.John Cena said"If u try to kick me with that leg,I'll break it off"!John Cena can't afford to watch Randy Orton to be beat up.Nexus Interfered while Randy Orton accidentaly got DQ'D by the ref so Randy kept the title but Nexus attacked him.John Cena attacked all the Nexus exept Wade Barret because he'll be fired.Micheal Cole did not say anything about [Justin Gabriel,Skip Sheffield,Micheal Tarver,Husky Harris,Micheal Mguilliguty,or David Otunga] Wade Barrett won by DQ Orton is still the Champion

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When Carlisle first became a vampire in Twilight how did he try to kill himself?

not eating and starving himself