Quincy Jones,Al B sure,El Debsrge and two more people.
N touch
No, that was not his voice. He just lip-synched the original song (Chuck Berry was the singer, as that was his song, which was from the 50's)
Al b
As I lay me down by Sophie B. Hawkins I cant stand the song but I love to sing the taco part.
by sing song 4 rand singers
Quincy Jones,Al B sure,El Debsrge and two more people.
"Close To You" is a song by Maxi Priest from the album Bonafide.
He sings R and B
Jazzy B
N touch
24 black birds baked in a pie. From the nursery rhyme Sing A Song Of Sixpence.
Respect by aretha franklin
four and twenty blackbirds baked in a pie - from the nursery rhyme 'sing a song of sixpence'
The song is Hollaback Girl by Gwen Stefani
ABCDEFG-HIJKLMNOP-QRS-TUV-WXY and Z Now you know your ABC'S Next time will you sing with ME THE ABC SONG
The artist who sang the song, Do the Ricky Bobby, is Brandon Hampton aka B Hamp. The song was released in 2009.