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Q: Did Quincy Jones sing on a R and B song?
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How can I train my voice to sing R and B?

by sing song 4 rand singers

Who sang IN my Secret Garden?

Quincy Jones,Al B sure,El Debsrge and two more people.

Who sing r and b song Close To You?

"Close To You" is a song by Maxi Priest from the album Bonafide.

What type of song does Justin Bieber sing?

He sings R and B

Who sing the song jine mera dil lutya?

Jazzy B

Who sing r and B song two steps to the right?

N touch

24 b b b in a p?

24 black birds baked in a pie. From the nursery rhyme Sing A Song Of Sixpence.

What r and b song did Justin Bieber sing in a comptition?

Respect by aretha franklin

What does 4 and 20 b b b in a p mean?

four and twenty blackbirds baked in a pie - from the nursery rhyme 'sing a song of sixpence'

Who sing its bananas b-a-n-a-n-a-s?

The song is Hollaback Girl by Gwen Stefani

How do you sing your a b c?

ABCDEFG-HIJKLMNOP-QRS-TUV-WXY and Z Now you know your ABC'S Next time will you sing with ME THE ABC SONG

Who sing do the ricky bobby?

The artist who sang the song, Do the Ricky Bobby, is Brandon Hampton aka B Hamp. The song was released in 2009.