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Q: Did Pedro de salcedo really go with Columbus?
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Who are the two main characters in the book called Pedro's journal?

The two main characters in the book "Pedro's Journal" are Pedro de Salcedo, a young ship's boy, and Christopher Columbus, the Italian explorer and navigator. The story follows Pedro's adventures and experiences aboard the Santa Maria during Columbus' famous voyage to the New World in 1492.

What did Pedro de Salcedo see on his journey?

He saw lots of land and seaweed.

Why was Pedro de salcedo hired to go on the journey?

Because he could read, write, and spell; back at that time not many people knew how. Columbus dictated what he wanted put down in his journal to him.

What kind of servant was Diego de salcedo to christopher Columbus?

I think a ship-servant

When did Juan de Salcedo die?

Juan de Salcedo died in 1576.

When was Juan de Salcedo born?

Juan de Salcedo was born in 1549.

What actors and actresses appeared in El teatro de Jorge Salcedo - 1974?

The cast of El teatro de Jorge Salcedo - 1974 includes: Jorge Salcedo

When did Manuel María de Salcedo die?

Manuel María de Salcedo died on 1813-04-03.

When was Manuel María de Salcedo born?

Manuel María de Salcedo was born on 1776-04-03.

When did Juan José de Vértiz y Salcedo die?

Juan José de Vértiz y Salcedo died in 1799.

When was Juan José de Vértiz y Salcedo born?

Juan José de Vértiz y Salcedo was born in 1719.

With who Christopher Columbus travel with?

Christopher sailed with his crew on the Santa Maria* Cristobal Colon (Christopher Columbus), captain-general * Juan de la Cosa, owner and master * Diego de Arana, master-at-arms * Pedro de Gutierrez, royal steward * Rodrigo de Escobedo, secretary of the fleet * Rodrigo Sanchez, comptroller * Diego de Salcedo, servant of Columbus * Luis de Torres, interpreter * Rodrigo de Jerez * Alonso Chocero * Alonso Clavijo * Andres de Yruenes * Antonia de Cuellar, carpenter * Bartolome Biues * Bartolome de Torres * Bartolome Garcia, boatswain * Chachu, boatswain * Cristobal Caro, goldsmith * Diego Bermudez * Diego Perez, painter * Domingo de Lequeitio * Domingo Vizcaino, cooper * Gonzalo Franco * Jacomel Rico * Juan, servant * Juan de Jerez * Juan de la Placa * Juan Martines de Acoque * Juan de Medina * Juan de Moguer * Juan Ruiz de la Pena * Juan Sanchez, physician * Lope, joiner * Maestre Juan * Marin de Urtubia * Pedro de Terreros, cabin boy * Pero Nino, pilot * Pedro Yzquierdo * Pedro de Lepe * Rodrigo Gallego, servant List From Columbus Navigation Home Page