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The movie said she tested negative

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Did Nilda Puchi Roman Perez have AIDS?

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Q: Did Nilda Puchi Roman Perez have aids?
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Nilda Puchi Roman Perez was married to the legendary salsa singer "El Cantante De Los Cantantes" Hector Lavoe. She died in a slip and fall accident in 2002. She is buried with Hector Lavoe "El Cantante" which died due to Aids complications and their son Hector Jr., which died due to a bullet wound. They are all buried in Clausell, Puerto Rico which is in Ponce. The tombstone reads as follows: AQUI, EN TIERRA PONCENA, COMO FUE SU VOLUNTAD DESCANSAN LOS RESTOS DE "EL CANTANTE DE LOS CANTANTES" HECTOR JUAN PEREZ MARTINEZ "HECTOR LAVOE" 1946-1993 SU ESPOSA NILDA GEORGINA PEREZ 1950-2002 SU HIGO HECTOR PEREZ JR. 1969-1987. I was present at their gravesite on March 9, 2008, while on vacation in Puerto Rico visiting my grandparents tombstone. The stone is very modest - it is engraved with a music sign. It is located straight ahead to the left of the cemetery when you enter thru the main gate. If ever visiting there you can ask any one of the locals where Lavoe rests and they will direct you to the gravesite. REST IN PEACE La Voz, Puchi and Jr., !!! Two Photo's of Mrs Nilda "Puchi" Roman Perez are at the very end of the film El Cantante.

How many kids did Nilda Puchi Roman Perez have?

Nilda Puchi Roman Perez had two children:Leslie Perez born May of 1967Hector Jr. born September of 1969She is buried with Hector Lavoe "El Cantante," who died due to AIDS complications and their son Hector Jr., who died accidentally due to a bullet wound. They are all buried in the Barrio Segundo neighborhood in Ponce, Puerto Rico.The tombstone reads as follows: AQUI, EN TIERRA PONCENA, COMO FUE SU VOLUNTAD DESCANSAN LOS RESTOS DE "EL CANTANTE DE LOS CANTANTES" HECTOR JUAN PEREZ MARTINEZ "HECTOR LAVOE" 1946-1993 SU ESPOSA NILDA GEORGINA PEREZ 1950-2002 SU HIJO HECTOR PEREZ JR. 1969-1987.The stone is very modest - it is engraved with a music sign. It is located straight ahead to the left of the cemetery when you enter thru the main gate. If ever visiting there you can ask any one of the locals where Lavoe rests and they will direct you to the gravesite.

Did Puchi have aids?

Puchi Balseiro passed away in 2007, however she was not reported to have AIDS. She was a composer from Puerto Rico.

Where is the daughter of nilda puchi roman Perez living now?

i think that she died of aids just like hector did _______________________________________________ Nilda "Puchi" Perez did not die of AIDS as her husband, Hector Lavoe did. She passed away in a "freak" accident while trying to get into her apartment in New York. It is sai that she fell off of the apartment building where she can find more information on, as I believe there are other facts there. She fell from a first (1) floor window.

Did Puchi Lavoe Contract the aids virus from Hector Lavoe?

no puchi did not contract the aids virus from hector lavoe. even in the later years of there relationship, they had still used protection.

Does Rosie Perez have Hiv or aids?

No! She speaks about it so much because she has lost so many people close to her.

How humans curb such activities that contribute to an increase in HIV Aids?

by all becoming roman catholic priests.

What is mother theresa's expertise?

She was Roman Catholic relegous sister and misonery. She was interested in helping AIDs patients and childern

What is the polity in the African Methodist Episocal church?

Aids aids aids aids aids aids aids aids aids aids aids aids aids aids aids aids!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

When did we get AIDS?

we. no no no. we dont have aids. you have aids.

What actors and actresses appeared in World AIDS Day Special - 1995?

The cast of World AIDS Day Special - 1995 includes: Mark Chesnutt as himself Bill Clinton as himself James Curreri as Narrator Mary Fisher as herself Richard Gere as himself Magic Johnson as himself Cleve Jones as himself Spike Lee as himself Henry Nicols as himself Altagracia Perez as herself

What is the difference between aids and tuberculosis?

the difference between aids and tb is that tb is tb and aids is aids