No Actually. But, He's Real Slim. No Wonder He Dances So Well. ---- He did have abs in the early 1980s though! And hard abs too!
Michael Jackson probably did not bleed when he died from a drug overdose given to him by his doctor- Conrad Murrey. However, when other doctors where trying to revive him, he may have been given injections that could have made him bleed a bit.
Out Belly Button
she has a outie
she got her belly button pierced two year ago
No, Michael Jackson was not related to Mahalia Jackson.
Michael Jackson probably did not bleed when he died from a drug overdose given to him by his doctor- Conrad Murrey. However, when other doctors where trying to revive him, he may have been given injections that could have made him bleed a bit.
the enter button.
4 of them is about 5$
Percy Jackson's Achilles spot is on his lower back directly across from his belly button.
He was rumored to not have a belly button.
Out Belly Button
A belly button ring is a body piercing placed in a cauterized area of the belly button.
My belly button is located in the center of my abdomen.
le nombril is the name for the belly button in French.
There is no such thing as belly button dandfruff, you probably just need to clean the inside of your belly button.
Its the jewelry that goes into a belly button piercing.