His autopsy results haven't been released. They're done, they just haven't been relased.
There will never be a DNA test done because there is no need, he isn't Michael's son, he was just a friend.
If it's a pregnancy test the answer is no, A test can come back negative even though its positive. But if it's positive, it's positive 99% of the time.
mental aggrivation. italian slang. As in, "i had ojida all morning while waiting for my test results".
Michael Jackson's familyUntil a DNA test is done to prove otherwise, Michael is the father, and if they are not biologically his, it doesn't matter; he loved them, and to them, he is their dad.
I am his son and I can easily answer that "NO" 95% blood test results meant nothing in1981
Came out today.
If it was a test done at home that you mailed to the lab, you should get the results back in the mail. If you had the test performed elsewhere, call who ever ordered the test and they should be able to tell you where the results will go and how soon to expect them.
There will never be a DNA test done because there is no need, he isn't Michael's son, he was just a friend.
The raw data results are available immediately after the test is completed. The interpretation of those results, however, depends on the individual doctor reading the test. In my experience, the results typically come back in about 1 to 2 weeks.
they are available now on arisparentlink.org
Sepetember 13 2010
nope. employment is contigent upon you passing the drug test.
The results for the SHSAT come back in early March. Usually near March 10.
There is a special test I think you can get a specialist to come round to your house and test you and then they will tell you your IQ based on the results.
befor school over
The results should be here any minute. You should get them by May 26.