In 1980 Mark Harmon was in a soap opera ....Several productions of Love Letters.
No. Mark Hamill was Luke. Mark Harmon has many acting credits, but Star Wars isn't one of them.
Does Katey Segal still play Peg Bundy in Married With Children
No. Al Bundy was played by Ed O'Neill. Freddy Krueger was played by Robert Englund.
Luke Skywalker
In 1980 Mark Harmon was in a soap opera ....Several productions of Love Letters.
Mark Harmon played football for UCLA
Mark Hammil plays in Star Wars. Mark Harmon plays in NCIS.
Yes, he was the starting quarterback for UCLA in 1972 and 1973
Not that I recall, at least not as a regular character of the long running series. Back at that time, Mark Harmon was busy doctoring on St Elsewhere and Chicago Hope.
No. Mark Harmon was only ever on JAG when he was (as Gibbs) accusing Harm of murdering Petty Officer Singer (the NCIS spin-off).
Yes Marc Harmon did play collage football. He played for the UCLA Bruins his position was the quarterback I don't know his number though.
yes, and he also played a 4 string guitar! as well.
No. Mark Hamill was Luke. Mark Harmon has many acting credits, but Star Wars isn't one of them.
MH played a priest in "Acts of Contrition" made I think in 1995.
Why Marky Mark of course. (Mark Wahlburg)
Dylan Bundy plays for the Baltimore Orioles.