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No, Judith did not remarry!

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Q: Did Judith Durham of the seekers ever remarry?
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Did Judith Durham of the Seekers ever spend time in jail?

No Judith has never spent time in jail, though she was detained in quarantine in the late 60's just before her wedding which was often the practice in those days to prevent disease spreading, even if you had only landed in another country - which is exactly what happened to Judith

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They completed their 50th Anniversary Farewell Tour of New Zealand with their final concert on 29th November 2014 at the Bowl Of Brooklands, New Plymouth. Apparently Judith Durham's voice is still as strong and beautifully pure as it ever was. So back to the day jobs. Judith, Keith and Athol still have careers in music, Bruce is a keynote speaker at corporate events. In addition they all work incredibly hard to promote and support the charities they are patrons of.

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