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No, He was Born in 1977, Film made in 1986. ??

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Q: Did John Cena star in heartbreak ridge the film?
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What airfield was at the end of heartbreak ridge?

The airfield in the movie "Heartbreak Ridge" is fictional and was created for the film.

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What is the film John Cena is in?

The Marine and 12 Rounds

In what film did john cena star in 2006?

The Marine

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no they only used that as an excuse for cena to go film his move "the marine"

Name of John Cena's first film?

the prototype

What are the release dates for Life After Film School - 2006 John Cena 1-30?

Life After Film School - 2006 John Cena 1-30 was released on: USA: 27 March 2009

Was John Cena ever in the military?

John Cena was not in the military. Cena was, however, enlisted in a military training program for a film that he starred in ("The Marine"), which is how he earned his own set of dog-tags.

Does John Cena had ason?

No, While Promoting his 2009 film, 12 Rounds, Cena revealed he is engaged and intends to marry later in the year.

What is the Last film for john cena?

12 Rounds, On DVD June 30th 2009, be sure to buy it

In the film the Santa Claus who plays the little boy?

Eric Lloyd

Does john cena like acting or wrestling better?

john cena prefers acting, which is why he is leaving the wwe this Christmas (2010) to pursue a career in film and chase an Oscar after the success of his new film ''ledendary''. Don't know where you got the idea he is leaving WWE but you are wrong he isn't leaving