'Clark La Prairie jumped on my head in grade school detention' is Jim Carreys explenation.
Chip Carey was born on June 17, 1973, in Columbus, Mississippi, USA.
No, because when you chip a tooth there is no hollow compartment in the tooth.
No, its contagious.
No, they're not related. Chip Carey is related to the late Harry Carey (a play-by-play announcer for the Chicago Cubs). The comedian Jim Carrey isn't related to that family. It's a different spelling.
The chip represented his missing front tooth from when he was a little boy.
Teeth can be chipped by a fall in which your tooth strikes the ground or floor.
His son Chip announces for the Braves.
yes they can it is very rare though but if they hit it good it can actually chip
No, but it will hurt when you chip it.
Dale. he always fell.
When a molar is chipped it will need to be repaired by a dentist. If the tooth is not repaired the tooth can become further damaged or possibly infected.