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Q: Did Jim Braddock actually fight with a broken hand?
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Who did James Braddock fight with a broken hand?

he broke his hand fighting Abe feldman, al stillman & martin levandowski.

What happens if you fall on a broken hand?

If you fall on a broken hand most of the time nothin.

What is a hand-to-hand fight?

This is a fight absent of weapons. No guns. No knives. Usually, the term is used to indicate a fight between two people, although one could make the case for one baseball team breaking out into a hand-to-hand fight with another.

When do you fight the master hand in ssbb?

You fight the master hand or crazy hand on Stage 12 in Super Smash Bros. Brawl.

Where do you fight master hand and crazy hand on Super Smash Bros Brawl?

You fight them in FINAL DESTINATION, ut I don't how to get them both in one fight....

How do you get to fight crazy hand in Super Smash Bros for Nintendo 64?

U CANT (EDIT) Actually, you CAN get Crazy Hand, by doing Action Replay.

How did Krishna kill Kans?

In a hand to hand duet fight

Who is harder to fight Master Hand or Crazy Hand?


What is a cage fight?

A cage fight is an individual duel in cage fighting - hand-to-hand combat in a usually steel cage.

Can you get master hand on ssbb?

You can fight Master Hand in boss mode

You hit your hand against a door knob and it is bruised in between your thumb and pointer there is swelling and a bruise your hand is stiff but you can use your hand till you get pain is it broken?

Is it broken? The exact same happened to me except it is not bruised only swollen, and my dad thinks it is broken

When was Standing Outside a Broken Phone Booth with Money in My Hand created?

Standing Outside a Broken Phone Booth with Money in My Hand was created in 1996-06.