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Q: Did Jeremy stumper shve his armpits for Peter Pan?
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Why is Sweeny Todd rated r?

There is a LOT lof blood, but you can really tell that it's fake. There is quite the amount of gore in it, and described below are several scenes(in chronological order) that include this "gore": 1.The first killing consists of Mr. Todd being blackmailed by a man from his past. After several minutes, Sweeney loses it and begins to beat the man with a hot iron tea kettle. He beats the man down to the floor and stops to realize what has happened. Meanwhile, the mans boy servent has heard. When they cut back to Mr. Todd, the body is in a trunk-almost. One hand is out and twitching showing the man is still alive. After the mans servent(who came up to see what was happening) leaves, Sweeney opens the trunk and slowly drags his razor across the mans throat, killing him. 2.The next several killings(about 6 or 7, I'm not sure) occur in one song, "Johanna, Reprise". These killing are all very similar, save a few small details. Mr. Todd sets the men down in a chair and prepares them to get a shve, like any other barber shop would. Suddenly, he brings his razor down across the throat, and copias amonts of blood shoot out. The blood is shockingly red in a nearly black and white movie. After killing the men, Mr. Todd then presses a pedal on the side of the chair that causes the chair to tip back, a trap door to open, and the bodies to fall through a schute to Mrs. Lovett's bake house, where they are baked into pies and sold to the public. 3. The third killing is the most understated killing of the whole movie; the death of the beggar woman. The beggar has suspected something going on, and gone into Mr. Todd's shop. The judge, the man he was trying to kill in the first place, is coming, and, distracted, Mr. Todd kills her. The blood comes straight down like a waterfall, much less dramatic than the previous killing, which included blood shooting out at least 6 feet. :) 4. The judge is next. Mr. Todd sets him up as if he were any other customer, and then, after brief dialoge(watch the movie folks!), Mr. Todd proceeds to stab him repeatedly in the side of the neck. Blood shoots out all over Sweeney and the window behind him. When the judge still lives(for some unknown reason...), Mr. Todd slits his throat, causing even more blood. The judge is sent down the chute, end scene. 5.In the basment, the judge is still freaking alive, even after being stabbed in the neck, having his throat slit, and being sent down a long tube and landing on his head. He dies eventually though. Sweeney sees the beggar woman, who he realizes is his wife. He didn't know she was still alve and is horrorfied to find that he killed her. When he realizes that Mrs. Lovett lied to him about her death, he starts to sind and dance manically with her working his way toward the bake oven. He finally throws her in, and she is shown burning to death while Sweeney watches and prevents her from getting out to safety. 6.Remember the boy? The servent, well, he had begun to think of Mrs. Lovett as a mother. After watching Sweeney kill her, he comes out of his hiding place. Sweeney is kneeling on the floor cradling his wifes body, singing to her. Toby, the servent, picks up his razor, and slits Sweeney's throat. Sweeney bleeds onto his wife, and the final shot of the film is Mr. Todd cradling his wife in a pool of his own blood. End scene. So the movie isn't really that bad, but if the sight of blood makes you faint, I suggest you deal with it and watch the movie; and yes, it is a musical.