Janis Ian sings At 17 and a band called The Regents sing 7TEEN
Janis Ian
Janis Ian's birth name is Fink, Janis Eddy.
Janis Ian was born on April 7, 1951.
Janis Ian was born on April 7, 1951.
US singer Janis Ian is 66 years old (born Janis Eddy Fink, April 7, 1951).
Between the Lines - Janis Ian album - was created in 1975-03.
Janis Ian and Janis Joplin were singers in the 70's named Janis. Janis Siegel was also a singer in the 70's.
THE ROSE - starring Bette Middler - about Janis JOPLIN..........not IAN *Eye Roll
Fancy. It was Janis' song originally.
Yes, she is married to a woman and out and proud.