he had to do more than just bleach his hair in order to get his hair white he would have used a white toner, bleaching your hair will turn it light blond or an orange blond color. toner takes that unwanted color out.
No comment......<----- Fail. I think he dyed it because the new album is more colorful and nothing like "The Black Parade". The band said that the new album was gonna be more fun then The Black Parade and just more exciting altogether. He said that he wanted no more black or gray...he wanted bright colors. It has more of that feeling and I think that his hair color fits more.
It's black. :D
Rainbow hair colored freak. But it is so awsome.
Gerard Way is part Italian.
It is not known what Gerard Way'/s favorite holiday is. Gerard Way was the lead singer of My Chemical Romance.
It is short for Gerard.
First off, Gerard never dyed his hair pink, it's red. And he used Fudge hair dye, not sure what colour though.
Currently, there is no way to dye hair black without the use of dye.
his natural hair color is brown
light brown. its like mikey's. he doesnt dye his hair (except for TBP era, when he went black).
No, the only way to remove hair dye from hair is to use a hair lightening product...i.e. Bleach for hair.
red ;)
Definitely real.
Yehh Loads Of Times
go to a professional...or slowly dye your hair lighter and lighter.
Dye it, then cut it.
It's black. :D