Gary Lewis recorded a version of this song on his " This Diamond Ring" LP - Gene Pitney never recorded this song. The hit version is by Bobby Vee
Is Mo Pitney related to Gene Pitney ?
Yes, Gene Pitney did smoke.
Pitney was buried in Somers Center Cemetery
Gene Pitney was born on February 17, 1940.
Is Mo Pitney related to Gene Pitney ?
Gene Pitney's birth name is Gene Francis Allan Pitney.
Is Gene Pitneys wife still living?
Yes, Gene Pitney did smoke.
did gene pitney perform in australia
Gene Pitney was born on February 17, 1940.
Gene PITNEY has written: 'Walkin' in The Sun'
Gene Pitney died on April 5, 2006 at the age of 66.
Pitney was buried in Somers Center Cemetery
Gene Pitney had three children.
No, "Down in the Boondocks" was recorded by Billy Joe Royal, not Gene Pitney. Gene Pitney is known for hits like "Town Without Pity" and "Only Love Can Break a Heart".
gene pitney