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no, earl hamner sr. dad had polio

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Q: Did Earl Hamners mother really have TB?
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What went on with Mother Teresa's health?

She had malaria and TB (not quite shore about TB) and died of a heart attack and a stroke simultaneously.

How did keats die?

From TB (it killed his mother and brother before him).

What protects a baby in mothers womb?

its it safe to breasdfeeding if mother active TB?

What happened in Calvin Coolidge's life at the age of 12?

He was 12 when his mother died of TB.

How did quanah Parker die?

Quanah Parker died of a bad illness some say it was TB and others are not really sure what kind of illness he had. I believe he died in 1912 and he was laid to rest next to his mother.

Can TB be inherited?

Tuberculosis (TB) is not an inherited condition. It is caused by a bacterial infection with Mycobacterium tuberculosis. While genetics can play a role in susceptibility to TB, it is primarily spread through the air when an infected person coughs or sneezes.

Does drake really want to do every girl in the world?

Yeah he does, its the deal. -- TB

When was TB or Not TB created?

TB or Not TB was created on 2005-11-01.

What is 10 tb?

1 tb= 1000gb 10 tb= 10000gb

How much is 1.5 tb?

1.5 tb = 1 and a half tb

How do you spell TB?

tuberculosis or TB