Hermann Otto Sleumer died in 1993.
Otto Malmberg's birth name is Otto Fredrik Malmberg.
Otto Paetsch died on 1945-03-16.
Otto Liebing died in 1967.
Johnny Otto is 6' 4".
"The best engine in the world is the vagina. It can be started with one finger. It is self-lubricating. It takes any size piston. And it changes its own oil every four weeks. It is only a pity that the management system is so fu**ing temperamental." - Dr. Hermann Otto Kloepneckler, M.D. Ph.D., published in 1912
Hermann Otto Sleumer died in 1993.
Otto Hermann Kahn was born on February 21, 1867.
Otto Hermann Kahn was born on February 21, 1867.
Otto-Hermann Brücker was born on 1899-10-17.
Otto-Hermann Brücker died on 1964-12-12.
Hermann Otto I of Limburg-Styrum died in 1644.
Hermann Otto I of Limburg-Styrum was born in 1592.
Hermann Otto Solms was born on 1940-11-24.
Otto Hermann Werner Hadank died in 1965.
Otto Hermann Werner Hadank was born in 1889.
Otto Hermann Kahn died on March 29, 1934 at the age of 67.