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Q: Did Don and Judy from Lost in Space ever hook up?
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Related questions

How did Captain Hook get injured?

Captain Hook is known to have lost his hand in a battle with Peter Pan, who fed it to a crocodile. The crocodile developed a taste for the Captain and continued to follow him, ticking, which is how Hook got the hook in place of his hand.

Why did the lost boys not want to help Captain Hook?

because captain hook was their enemy

Do pirates have their hook on their right hand or on their left?

The hook replaces whichever hand they've lost.

How do you make a space hook?

60,000 mile long cable droped from space

Why did Peter Pan cut off captain hooks hand?

Peter Pan cut it off because the Lost Boys had dared him to fight Captain Hook. In the process of following up on the dare, Peter cut it off while swod fighting with Hook. He, then, fed Hook's hand to the crocodile. Hook has held a grudge ever since.

What is sexually assertive?

One who is ever eager to prove his sexual prowess by hook or by crook. One who is ever eager to prove his sexual prowess by hook or by crook.

What are the space requirements for a ventilation system for this unit Do I hook up directly to my exisitng exhaust system?

As long as there is an existing over the range exhaust hookup, this microwave will hook directly into the space.

Which hand of Captain Hook was cut off and eaten by a crocodile?

Captain Hook had a hook instead of his left hand. However, in the Peter Pan book it was his right hand that was lost.

What has the author W Ray Hook written?

W. Ray Hook has written: 'An alternate concept for expanding man's presence in space' -- subject(s): Space stations, Space shuttles, Manned space flight, Orbit maneuvering engine (Space shuttle), Interplanetary voyages, Mission planning, Astronautics, Orbital servicing, Space flight

In the grim grotto who is Fiona's long lost brother?

The Hook-Handed Man

How much space is needed above a coat hook?

5 cm

Who sings the hook on the song space bound by eminem?

Steve McEwan