No according to several websites Dana Barron no longer acts and hasn't for years. These days Barron is a stay at home mother of 5.
Dave Batista quit the WWE in 2010, in an interview he had stated he "did not like the direction the company was going in and would not be returning any time soon". In January of 2014 Batista returned. He 'quit' again to promote his upcoming movie, Guardians of the Galaxy.
If you meant the actress from the Philippines, she quit acting at the height of her popularity to settle down in Australia. ☺
He is still pastoring his church. Are you so surprised?<<<<<<<<not really
Selena Gomez did not quit
same thing as did Ashely tisdale quit acting
yes and no she wants to quit she might but she did not quit yet
NO NEVER he will never quit.
He didn't.
Quit acting crazy.
Well, hopefull this will help. Dana from season 1 quit. Nicole in the 2nd and 3rd season quit because she had a fight with jamie Lynn spears (zoey) so she left.
He will continue his acting in movies
Yes, he really quit WWE. He left to take a break and maybe look into MMA & acting.
Cause she felt it
Because Jerry Brown won the election
She quit because she didn't want people to think she was a child popstar anymore. She thought she was an "adult" now, so she started acting like an "adult."