yes she had a baby boy last week! she now has a daughter and a baby boy
Chelsea Hobbs is 32 years old (birthdate: February 18, 1985).
Lisa Hobbs Birnie was born in 1928.
Walter Hobbs was played by James Caan.
Neil Hobbs was born on August 10, 1972, in Dallas, Texas, USA.
Chelsea Halfpenny's birth name is Chelsea Halfpenny Stell.
Chelsea Hobbs was born on February 18, 1985.
Chelsea Hobbs was born on February 18, 1985.
As of my last update, Chelsea Hobbs is married to Teren Oddo. They got married in 2014.
Chelsea Hobbs has confirmed on her Twitter that she will not be returning in Make It or Break It.
Chelsea Hobbs
Chelsea Hobbs
Chelsea Hobbs played the character of Emily K. on "Make It or Break It" from 2009 to 2012.
no Chelsea is actually married to Terren Oddo
No Chelsea has been married to photogrpher Teren Oddo for 5 or 6 years.
no she's a real actress but not a real gymnast
Definately, Chelsea Hobbs
the date is still unknowen. but as for chelsea to return its a 50/50 chance. she should for her storyline to contuine.