Yes, he had short hair before starting filming the movie so he wanted to grow it longer, yet he had only a month.
No, they are not Vans.
Yes, she does.
Vanessa Hudgens, Bella Off Of Twilight, & Jim Jonees
The actor that plays Jacob Black in Twilight, Taylor Lautner, did have to wear a wig because his real hair is much shorter. In New Moon, when he is a werewolf, Jacob has to cut it because otherwise if he tries to run as a werewolf with long hair might get him over heated. So, then, Taylor Lautner didn't have to wear a wig anymore.
No, in the movie Twilight, Cam Gigandet did not wear a wig for his role as James. He dyed his hair blonde for the role to match the character's description in the book.
No he doesn't wear a wig in Twilight.
They do
Yes she does.
both wear lens!
Taylor Lautner plays Jacob Black.
No, they are not Vans.
In the Twilight series, the character Carlisle Cullen wears a wig to cover his natural blond hair. Carlisle prefers to maintain a timeless appearance to not draw attention to the fact that he does not age.
Yes, she does.