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he did really, it was live and he was twirling around and they saw a crack in his tail next break officals

came and pried it opened they pound 2 pounds of cocaine ( I don't watch it just check around on YouTube)

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No shut up u haters

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Q: Did Barney have crack in his tail?
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Is Barney the dinosaurus dead?

No. he is alive. Crack and other drugs fell out of his tail. he was canceled but he is still alive.

What's the meaning of have your tail in a crack?

If you are an animal with a tail, and you get it caught in a crack, you can't move. If you say "your tail is caught in a crack," it means you are trapped and can't get out of a situation.

Did Barney have marijuana in his tail?

Yes he did it was on the news

Is Barney tubby?

Barney was getting drug in da tail. do not tell that evil rat finkle to see butt

Why was Barney fired or was he really?

barney was fired because he swore on live TV and he had weed stashed in is tail that is the truth

Where can you find Barney?

Barney is currently hiding from the Carebears.

Did Barney get aressted?

Yes he did , Because police found weed in the tail of the costume .

Did Barney get arrested for smoking and saying?

Barney did get arrest for smoking and cursing. People are saying he hid drugs in his tail d started cursing at the kids on Barney. But no one really knows what REALLY happened.

Why did Barney go to jail?

Because this little boy accidentally stepped on Barney's foot and he cussed the boy out then threw a chair and stolls at the boy and the director of Barney and friends called the cops on Barney and he got arrested!

What kind of party should I give to my daughter she is turning 3?

hmm probably a barney or Dora birthday party i mean if she likes them you can play a game like pin thge tail on the barney

How do you crack the egg on Super Mario galaxy?

You spin attack on its tail. It will start a boss fight, so be ready. Just keep attacking the tail.

Does Barney cuss on show? to snopes, Barney is not a live show and would've been edited so that no cussing would be displayed. Also, Barney is dubbed - there is no microphone in the suit, so we would not hear the guy in the dinosaur cussing at all.