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Q: Derwin Davis on the show The Game?
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What is the apartment number on the show the game that derwin Davis lives in?

Apt. 1518.

Who does derwin Davis of the game date?

Derwin Davis dates Melanie, Janay, and Drew Sidora.

Who is Derwin Davis Dating on The Game?

He is married to Melanie.

Who is Melanie married to on The Game?

Vinny Guadagnino

What car does derwin Davis drive on The Game?

4 door PORSHE

What College did derwin Davis go to?

Western Kentucky

Who is derwin Davis girlfriend or wife?

gabriell Dennis

How old is Derwin Davis?

26 (September 20, 1984)

Who sings that song angel that derwin was singing to melanie on the tv show The Game?

Robin Thicke

Who is Derwin on The Game married to?


When melanie and derwin get married on the tv show the game is that the last episode?

THats the last episode for the season, the new season of the game comes on bet now

Is melanie and derwin married in real life not just on the show?

no only on the show