No. He used this as a way to stand out. Matt Dillon, at 6'6" tall tended to overshadow his fellow actors unless they exhibited something special to grab the attention of the audience.
No, Chester in the TV show Gunsmoke did not have a bad leg. Dennis Weaver, who played Chester, strapped a board to his leg so it would appear it was too stiff to bend it.
It was never explained on the show.
McCloud was a cowboy from Taos
Dennis Weaver played Chester Good until 1964 then Ken Curtin played Festus.
Sigourney Weaver played Ellen Ripley in the four Alien movies.
Chester Goode, Matt's sidekick, played by Dennis Weaver.
Dennis Weaver (Chester from Gunsmoke)
The actor was Dennis Weaver who died in 2006 from cancer. Weaver also played the deputy Chester in the old original Gunsmoke series.
Dennis Weaver
Dennis Weaver went on to pursue his acting career .
Dennis Weaver (Chester) left the show in 1963 to pursue a broader acting career in TV & Film. No reason for Chester leaving Dodge was ever given.
According to Dennis Weaver, the late actor who played the role of Chester Goode, the producers of the show wanted him to develop a disability to explain why Chester never carried a gun and had a nonviolent attitude. Weaver showed up to the first day of shooting and demonstrated the now famous limp, without any explanation as to why or how Chester got it. The producers loved it and from the beginning of the series, Chester limped, though on occasion Weaver would forget and limp with the wrong leg.
Dennis Weaver (Chester) left the show in 1963 to pursue a broader acting career in TV & Film. No reason for Chester leaving Dodge was ever given.
According to Dennis Weaver, the late actor who played the role of Chester Goode, the producers of the show wanted him to develop a disability to explain why Chester never carried a gun and had a nonviolent attitude. Weaver showed up to the first day of shooting and demonstrated the now famous limp, without any explanation as to why or how Chester got it. The producers loved it and from the beginning of the series, Chester limped, though on occasion Weaver would forget and limp with the wrong leg.
he went onto different roles and movies. I don't believe Chester was ever a Deputy. He just worked at the Marshal's office. Festus was a deputy.
Dennis Weaver was born on June 4, 1924.