Simon Bar Jonas means Simon, son of Jonas. For Example, Jesus was called Jesus Bar Joseph as his father was Joseph.
No, he did not have a son named Kevin.
Yes in fact they have a 3 year old son together
According to a biography he was the only son of six children. (wikipedia)
nick was at a barber shop then he started singing there was a lady for t.v and she said" Would you like to bla bla lba" lol i don't know wha tshe said but that's how they were discovered. IN a barber shop
where are my parents?
huanda carrero
Durango, Mexico!
Los Pavos reales son de India y Sur-Este de Asia.
That is their last name.
De Cuba.
Nawww son!
Because the musical group consists of Kevin, Joe, and Nick Jonas, and they are brothers. It was a convinient name to use; they thought of The Jonas Trio; Jonas 3; and Sons Of Jonas; but the Jonas Brothers was the most reasonable.
"De donde son" translates to "where are you from" in English.
Paul Kevin Jonas, his name is the same one as his oldest son!
1 st was Kevin, then was joe, then was nick, then was Frankie
Las Américas son el continente donde viven los pumas. Los lemures no tienen ningún continente en su biogeografía porque fueron ahuyentados desde Àfrica por los monos. Viven actualmente y precariamente en la isla de Madagascar.