In principiu datorita ritmului muzicii. Hormonul numit "Serotonina neurochimica" aflat la nivelul creierului uman percepe sunetul muzical ca vibratii sonore ordonate, care in functie de bataia muzicala stimuleaza diferiti nervi cerebrali, dar si activeaza anumite parti ale creierului producand individului uman placere si nevoia de relaxare.
Clair de Lune (Chapter 5 in Twilight)
Something like: Qu'est-ce qui passe ici si tard, Compagnons de la Marjolaine? Qu'est-ce qui passe ici si tard? Gai, gai, toujours gai. Based on that info, could it be the song - Compagnons de la Marjolaine ? Sounds silly though, when Serkis sang it so ominously...
Guitarist for the rock band Poison.
The album is L'être Las - L'envers Du MiroirTout ce sang versé (All this blood shed) is the 14th and last track of this album.
Voulez-vous coucher avec moi ce soir? -- Do you want to go to bed with me tonight?
te voi iubi
De ce?
'Tout ce qu'il a de beau' is French for 'everything was beautiful'.
Le Souvenir de ce jour was created in 2004-09.
Qu'est ce que l'estime de soi means "What is that esteem of oneself?
"parler de ce qu'on mange" means "to talk about what we are eating" in French.
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The cast of Folle de ce mec - 1995 includes: Morgane Maugran as Sophie
what's good [for diner] tonight? is the translation of 'quoi de bon ce soir'.
Original coversation: Jace: De ce crezi ca VA ascultam conversatia? Sebastian: M-ai urmarit de cand ai ajuns aici. Nu-mi dau seama daca nu ma placi ori daca esti atat de banuitor cu toata lumea. Translated: Jace: Why do you think we were listening to your conversation?" Sebastian: You have been following me since you got here. I can't tell if you don't like me or if you're that suspicious of everybody."
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Est-ce que tu es de Québec means "are you from Quebec?" in French.