-telephone by Lady gaga -you belong with me by Taylor swift much more but i don't know the artist!
raindrop teardrop
Stuck in the middle with you...
happy birthday
maybe from, IpodToch4g
I know one of them: Wish List by Pearl Jam
I want the complete list of songs with the word "heart" in them.
Box it
un liste de chansons.
list song titles with the words sail orsailing in them
You can go to iTunes and just search the word "dance"
The Candlelight Carol by John Rutter
Let the peace of God reign, Hillsong
You can check with the US Library of Congress Copyright Office to get an official amount of all copywritten songs that list that word. They can help you.
bell curve
There are a number of songs that include these word. You can find a list of them at lyricsmode.com