It's commonly found as a consequence of aging. Talk with your health care provider for advice specific to your situation.
It usually means you just have small feet. It could be because you have a edical condition or you are just short in stature. you have small shoes?
Jose Wejebe died on April 6, 2012, in Everglades, Florida, USA of small plane crash.
The rear view mirror lets you see enough behind you not to cause an accident and the front glass is to let you have full vision of what is going on in front of you.
A small dried fruit could be a raisin, but dried fruits can be generally referred to as conventional or traditional fruits because they originated long ago in the Middle Eastern region.
Adolf Mayer discovered that he could transmit the disease from plant to plant by rubbing sap extracted from diseased leaves onto healthy plants. He conclded that the disease was caused by unusually small bacteria that could not be seen with a microscope.
The small car accident was an incident, and no one was hurt.
Uncovertebral joint arthropathy, also known as uncovertebral osteoarthritis, is a degenerative condition that affects the uncovertebral joints in the cervical spine. These joints are located between the bodies of the cervical vertebrae and play a role in stabilizing the spine and allowing for smooth movement. Arthropathy refers to any disease or abnormality of a joint, and in this case, it involves the degeneration of the uncovertebral joints, leading to symptoms such as neck pain, stiffness, and possibly nerve compression. Treatment may include physical therapy, medications, and in severe cases, surgery.
No, you do not need a truck accident attorney if you're in a small truck accident. There are no attorney's specifically for truck accidents, but there are some for all automobile accidents.
If the population is very small, almost any risk can be catastrophic. Disease, flood, a fire, a famine or drought, even an accident could kill so many that the population could not recover.
It could have been shaken on accident many times, or the very small amount of shaking could have done it.
Accident reports are public records. The investigating agency can supply copies of the accident. Usually there is a small administrative fee. Be prepared with the date and location of the accident.
If you swallowed ten small magnet balls by accident, it might be a good idea to visit a doctor to be on the safe side. It is likely that you will just pass the magnets normally if they are small enough.
A "semi-accident" does not have a concrete definition. A small fender bender that resolves in no visible damage or harm to the drivers or automobiles, for example, would qualify as a semi-accident.
The county where the accident occurred.
It is located above the furnace to prevent it from accident.
It is located above the furnace to prevent it from accident.
It means a small portion of one of the bones in the spine is bigger than it should be. C5/C6 are at the base of the neck, just above where it joins the body.