o.k. Admiral Ackbar - ack646 General Grevious - pmn576 Ki Adi Mundi - mun486 Count Dooku - ddd748 Jango Fett - klj897 Boba Fett - la811y Super Battle Droid - xcznr21 Greedo - zzr636 IG-88 - gij989
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ExtrasInvincibilityJ46P7A Character Studs2D5GNM Character StudsQD2C31 Stud Magnet6MZ5CH Stud Multiplier X10N1CKR1Score X2YZPHUV Score X443T5E5 Score X6SEBHGR Score X8BYFSAQ Score X10N1CKR1 Minikit DetectorCSD5NA Perfect Deflect3F5L56 Dual WieldC4ES4R Dark SideX1V4N2 Fast BuildGCHP7SSuper Saber CutBS828K Super SpeedersB1D3W3 Regenerate Hearts2D7JNS Glow In The Dark4GT3VQVehiclesAATC9PRKP Anakin's Jedi StarfighterRCTFLV Arc-170 Starfighter (rapid fire)ZY3AE2 AT-AP WalkerAA279H AT-RTZ7H46TAT-TEVBEZEZ BARC SpeederYMWV33 Destroyer Droid9MUTS2 Dwarf Spider DroidNACMGG Geonosian Solar SailorPJ2U3R Geonosian StarfighterEDENEC H-Type Nubian Yacht77QEJL Hailfire DroidT7XF9Z Hyena BomberNPGG24 Jedi ShuttleHRX2UK Kit Fitso's Jedi StarfighterH68D3K MagnaGuard StarfighterHJ5HHDMedical Frigate (torpedoes)BET7CU MSE-6S6GRNZNeimoidian Shuttle6LT4QL Obi-Wan's Jedi Starfighter25FMVT OG-9 Homing Spider Droid7NEC36Pirate Saucer (missiles)Z567HR Pirate Speeder Tank3NQGYL Plo Koon's Jedi StarfighterL4LCDV Probe DroidU2T4SP Republic Attack ShuttleBQCXWR Republic Cruiser (missiles and torpedoes)J3MFJZ Republic Dropship (rapid fire)J2JNDD Republic GunshipC7M3DU RX-200 TankP8Z9M5 Slave IKDDQVD Soulless One (rapid fire)7RL23G STAP59UU88 Starhawk Speeder Bike3RE9XV Stealth Ship (missiles and torpedoes)XPY46K Super TankRYLVNW The Halo (rapid fire)MHG3XB The TwilightT4K5L4 Trident Assault Craft (missiles and torpedoes)JSBLJS V-19 Torrent StarfighterAKA9BB Vulture Droid7W7K7S Xanadu Blood (rapid fire)LQ2SVT Y-Wing StarfighterXTL6Y3CharactersAayla Secura2VG95B Adi GalliaG2BFENAdmiral Ackbar (Classic)272Y9Q Admiral YularenNG6PYXAhsoka2VJ9TH Anakin SkywalkerF9VUYJ Anakin Skywalker (Geonosian Arena)9AA4DW Asajj VentressYG9DD7 Aurra SingM2V1JV Bail OrganaGEHX6C Barriss OffeeBTVTZ5 Battle Droid5Y7MA4 Battle Droid CommanderLSU4LJ Bib Fortuna9U4TF3 Bobba Fett (Classic)TY2BYJ BoilQ5Q39P Bossk2KLW5RC-3PO574226 Cad BaneNHME85 Captain Antilles (Classic)D8SNGJ Captain RexMW3QYH Captain TyphoGD6FX3 Chancellor Palpatine5C62YQ Chewbacca (Classic)66UU3T Clone PilotHQ7BVD Clone Shadow Trooper (Classic)7GFNCQ Clone TrooperNP5GTT Commander Bly7CB6NS Commander CodySMN259 Commander FilU25HFC Commander PondsJRPR2A Commando DroidQEGU64 Commando Stone5XZQSV Count DookuEWR7WM Darth Maul (Classic)QH68AK Darth Sidius (Classic)QXY5XN Darth Vader (Classic)FM4JB7 Darth Vader Battle Damaged (Classic)NMJFBL Dr. Nuvo VindiMB9EMW EchoJB9E5S Eeth KothWUFDYAGammorean GuardWSFZZQGeneral Grievous7FNU4T Geonosian GuardGAFZUD Gold Super Battle Droid2C8NHP Gonk DroidC686PK Grand Moff TarkinNH2405 Greedo (Classic)FUW4C2 Han Solo (Classic)KFDBXF Heavy Super Battle DroidG65KJJ Heavy Weapons Clone TrooperWXUTWYHELIOS 3D4AXTY4 HevyEUB8UG Hondo Hohnaka5A7XYXIG-86EABPCP Imperial Guard (Classic)5W6FGD Jango Fett5KZQ4D Jar Jar BinksMESPTS JekAYREC9Ki-Adi-MundiHGBCTQ Kit FitsoPYWJ6N Lando Calrissian (Classic)ERAEWE LEP Servent DroidSM3Y9B Lieutenant Thire3NEUXC Lok DurdTKCYUZ Luke Skywalker (Classic)PG73HF Luminara UunduliMKUYQ8 Lurman VillagerR35Y7N Luxury DroidV4WMJN Mace Windu8NVRWJ MagnaGuard2KEF2D Nahdar VebbZKXG43NeimoidianBJB94J Nute GunrayQFYXMC Obi-Wan KenobiJ9HNF9 Obi-Wan Kenobi (Classic)FFBU5M Obi-Wan Kenobi (Geonosian Arena)5U9FJK Onaconda FarrDB7ZQNPadme Amidala (Geonosian Arena)SZ824Q Padme Amildala8X87U6 Pirate RuffianBH2EHU Plo KoonBUD4VU Poggle The Lesser4592WM Princess Leia (Classic)2D3D3L Queen NeeyutneeZQRN85 Qui-Gon Jinn (Classic)LKHD3B R2-D2RZ5HUV R3-S6Z87PAUR4-P175MXSYA R6-H57PMC3C Rebel Commando (Classic)PZMQNK Robonino2KLW5R Rys4PTP53Savage OpressMELL07 Senate CommandoEPBPLK Senate Commando (Republic)S4Y7VW Senator KharrusEA4E9SSenator Philo9Q7YCT Shahan AlamaG4N7C2 Sionver Boll5C62YQ Stormtrooper (Classic)HPE7PZ Super Battle DroidMJKDV5 Tee Watt KaaFYVSHD Turk FalsoHEBHW5 Tuscan Raider (Classic)GC2XSATX-20PE7FGD Undead GeonosianQGENFD Vader's Apprentice (Classic)EGQQ4V Wag TooVRUVSZ Wat TamborZP8XVHWaxerBNJE79 Wedge Antilles (Classic)DRGLWS Whorm Loathsom4VVYQV Workout Clone TrooperMP9DREYodaCSQTMB
Read more: http://www.cheatcc.com/xbox360/legostarwars3theclonewarscheatscodes.html#ixzz1P7ZdIEbz
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To enter codes press "enter" on the main screen then type in the following:
Darth Vader- mostimpressive
chewbacca- letthewookieewin
luke- kissedmysister
han- nerfherder
lando- cloudcitygambler
Savage Opress - oppressivemaul
leia- yourworshipfulness
greedo - heshotfirst
Darth sidious- darkside
old obiwan- myonlyhope
boba fett- sarlaccfood
To get:
Jabba the Hutt - Get all other characters
Darth maul- like 5 things on facebook
to get a jetpack - jetpack
kissed my sister for Luke, let the wookie win for chewy, dark side for emperor,sarlaccfood for boba fett ,then your team has to win battle of the bricks to get Ayala and most impressive for Darth Vader. the rest you have to use the person for another person.
here are the ones i know 3f5l56- perfect deflect x1v4n2- dark side gchp7s- fast build j46p7a - invincibilty csd5na- minikit detector b1d3w3- super speeders yzphuv- score 2x 43t5e5- score 4x sebhgr- score 6x byfsaq- score 8x n1ckr1- score 10x 6mz5ch- stud magnet 2d7jns- regenerate hearts qd2c31- character studs bs828k- super saber cut c4es4r- dual wield. qh68ak- Darth maul ( classic ) qxy5xn- Darth sidius ( classic ) fm4jb7- Darth Vader ( classic ) nmjfbl- Darth Vader battle damaged ( classic ) egqq4v- Vader's Apprentice ( classic ) their you go
In order to get Jabba the Hutt in LEGO Star Wars 3 Beta you must unlock all the outher characters first.
Phi Beta Sigma has a Couple of Party Hop Songs: More Bounce to the Ounce, Going In (by LiL Wayne), and Computer Game.
Ignatius was his middle name as any Phi Beta Sigma man (except perhaps Bill Clinton) could tell you - and some Zeta Phi Beta sorors.....................
Brother of Most Honorable Abram Langston Taylor, one of the founders of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity Inc. He also, with his brother and Most Gracious Arizona Cleaver Stemmons, assisted with the founding and organizing of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority Inc.
The cast of Zimbo Ka Beta - 1966 includes: Gaikwad Sunder Yunus Korega Rani Sherry Bismillah Dalpat Prince Arjun Tabassum as Leela Sachin as Mala Indira as Zuline Raj Malik Mithoo Miyan Yunus Parvez
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