Probably not the answer you want, but here it is: Looking for 16th June? Just skip it, it won't make much of a difference :-)
Yes they are actually getting married this Sunday June 16th
25th June or in that week
The last episode of Kickin' It Season 4 will come on June 30, 2014. It is unknown if it is the last episode ever.
She was the mother on Lassie, Lost In Space and in 1 episode Branded
It will come out in 2012 but I dont kn wat day or were does it begin in 2012
The last episode of Gumus aired on June 16th, 2007. It was a show that aired in Turkey, and the final episode of the series did not have a title.
June 16th, 1971
June 16th, 1962 was a Saturday.
June 16th will fall on a Saturday in the year 2029.
June 16th, 2009 fell on a Tuesday.
June 16th, 1953 fell on a Tuesday.
June 16th, 2013 fell on a Sunday.
Tupac Shakur was born on June 16, 1971.
Days until June 16th 2010 (from Feb 23) are 113.
June 16th 1971,a year before mac dre was born
In the UK it is in five days' time - Sunday 15th June
Born on June 16th, you would be born under the sign of Gemini.