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The spike breaker is located in the Catacombs. The Catacombs is located at the very bottom of the map.

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Q: Castlevania Symphony of the Night where is the spike breaker armor?
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How do i complete Castlevania symphony of the night?

Unlock Castlevania: Symphony Of The Night When the minotaur chases Richter in Stage 2, immediately fall into the first hole to enter the sewers. Complete the level as usual by defeating the Boss. You will then start Stage 3', the alternate version of Stage 3. Every time your path splits in Stage 3', always select the upper route. Use the Axe or Cross Boomerang sub-weapon to cut the vine-covered cage near the skeletal snake that is attached to a wall. Jump on the cage to allow Richter to jump to the upper ledges. Continue along the upper ledges until reach a breakable tombstone that contains the item that unlocks Castlevania: Symphony Of The Night as a playable game at the main menu.

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the card of armor breaker is an equip so at the moment you put it as equip there is no tipe of monster it transforms into a spell card so amor breaker is destroied

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Assuming this is the GBA title, Castlevania: Circle of the Moon (which was released as simply 'Castlevania' in the EU) the following cards are dropped by the following monsters.Mercury -> Bone Head,Venus -> Slime,Jupiter -> Heat Shade,Mars -> Bloody Sword,Diana -> Man Eater,Apollo -> Arch Demon,Neptune -> Ice Armor,Saturn -> Fallen Angel,Uranus -> Scary Candle,Pluto -> Trick Candle,Salamander -> Skeleton Bomber, Imp,Serpent -> Earth Demon, Holy Armor,Mandragora -> Axe Armor, Lizard Man,Golem -> Electric Skeleton, Minotaur,Cockatrice -> Stone Armor, Death Mantis,Manticore -> Thunder Demon, Succubus,Griffin -> Skeleton Athlete, Siren,Thunderbird -> Were-panther, Dullahan,Unicorn -> White Armor,Black Dog -> Devil Armor.

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night armor and weapons

Where do you get the boomerang on Castlevania circle of the moon?

You can find the Boomerang in the Catacombs area of Castlevania: Circle of the Moon. It is located in a room with a floating platform that you need to ride to reach the Boomerang.

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The homophone of a soldier who wore armor is knight, and the opposite of day is night.

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What is a homophone for a soldier who wore armor and the opposite of day?

knight, night

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How do you get doom night armor on adventure quest?

Buy the shadowscythe T shirt from Artix Entertainment.

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The black knight armor shop after getting the black knight orb from his quest