

Best Answer

Yes, I am a professional trick shot pool player. You can too, it just takes some patience, practice, and persistence. Some shots require primarily knowledge while others require extreme skill. It's easier to start out with the former and move to the latter unless you're already proficient at playing pool.

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Q: Can you trick shot in real life?
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What is Hogwarts called in real life?

There isn't a Hogwarts in real life, it is a fictional school. Most of the scenes were filmed in a studio. Some of the exterior scenes in the first two movies were shot at Alnwick Castle in England.

Where is Hogwarts in real life?

it is alnswick castle i think the castle is in northumberland. some of the interior shots were from christ church college in oxford the great dining hall was shot there and so was the library, the hospital wing was shot in divinity school and quite a few of the corridors were shot in gloucester cathedral.

Is Selena Gomez a witch in real life?

NO...... big N.O. she's not a real witch...... its just special effects & acting added to the movie or what ever did you watched, she did it in real life? its a trick! everything has an explanation! even magicians have explanation behind it :l magicians are also called illusionists and they know how a human mind works or knows what will be ur reaction :l and knows where it is hidden. hope it answered ur question

Why did Arthur kiss Ariadne in Inception?

Arthur made Ariadne kiss him as a "cover up" to distract attention from other people trying to find who the real dreamer was. It might work in real life, but not in his dream, because the subconscious [projections] were looking for the dreamer. You cannot "fool" projections in dreams, so it didnt work and her said 'It was worth a shot' meaning Arthur was just playing trick to get a kiss from Ariadne because he obviously likes her.

What is a thing in real life that is a nonagon in real life?

a cup

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When was Trick Shot - comics - created?

Trick Shot - comics - was created in 1987.

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This question calls for an opinion.

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Was TI shot?

yup in video but not in real life.

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Yes he was, he was shot with a 50 caliber sniper rifle and survived!

Did just bieber get shot on CSI?

Yes, he died. but not in real life

Was Justin Bieber shot 5 times in real life?

Of course!

How do you do a finesse shot in real life?

u hit the ball with the side of your foot

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Top Shot - 2010 Trick Shot Shoot Off 4-7 was released on: USA: 27 March 2012

Is Britney Spears crotch shot real?

Only on the Internet it's real but in real life it's really really fake and stupid

Did Justin Bieber died in a movie or in real life?

Justin Bieber is alive in real life however he was in an episode of CSI: Las Vegas where he was shot and killed.

Did Justin Bieber get shot and is he now dead?

on the crime show 'CSI' he got shot and died yes but not in real life. People keep mistaking the CSI headlines for real life ones, so no Justin Bieber is very much alive.