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You can , it normally comes or can come from food e.g beans peas or onions.

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Q: Can you suffer from trapped wind on your back?
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What are the symptoms of trapped wind in the back and chest?

The symptoms of trapped wind in the back and chest tend to be bloating and a feeling of needing to burp or pass wind. Trapped wind can also cause abdominal discomfort, not dissimilar to that experienced with bowel disorders.

How long can trapped wind in the back last for?

Trapped wind in the back usually lasts for a few hours to a few days. It can be relieved with gentle movements, over-the-counter medications, or by passing gas. If the pain persists or worsens, it's best to consult a healthcare professional for further evaluation.

How do you get wind out of your belly?

if you have trapped wind this can be quite painful. try drinking a fizzy drink. the fizz in it will help you to burp and may release the wind which was already there. or alternatively you can get someone to rub your back as is done to help a baby burp.hope this helps!!

Does the Acer shrub suffer from wind burn?

Yes. Japanese acers need some protection from the wind.

What two things are trapped and swallowed at he back of the throat?

Dust and bacteria are trapped and swallowed at the back of the throat by a cilia cell.

What two things are trapped and swallowed at the back of the throat?

Dirt and bacteria are trapped and swallowed at the back of the throat by cilia cells.

I get trapped wind which is like a period pain is this normal?

Oh oh I get this too!!

What two things are trapped and swallowed by cilia cells at the back of the throat?

The two things that are trapped and swallowed at the back of the throat by cilia cells are saliva and food. Medicines in the form of pills can also be trapped and swallowed, but trapped pills might make the person choke instead of swallow.

How can wind the interleaved winding?

By going into space. It can go from trapped in a rocket and released in the air

My mom has severe pain and is vomiting but has gas trapped in her stomach what is this?

Hi, i suffer from the same thing, i had trapped wind in my stomach giving me discomfort last night, i ate my dinner and then slowly brought it back up in 10 minutes intervals the whole night as my body was trying to burp but it could just bring food up, i then suffered from severe chest and back pain, which felt like i had a concrete slap on by chest crushing me, or like i had swallowed a 10 pin bowling ball very painful, i went to bed, in the morning i felt fine and had a cup of coffee and my vitamins, it all started again, i cant hold the coffee down and have real discomfort in my stomach, feels like the wind is still there.

What 2 things are trapped and swallowed at the back of your throat by a cilia cell?

Mucus and dust are trapped and swallowed at the back of your throat by a cilia cell.

Symptoms of trapped wind?

Trapped wind is a common condition that causes pain or discomfort, usually as a result of pressure in your stomach or abdomen which makes you feel bloated and wanting to pass wind. Trapped wind can be triggered by a number of different things, from eating too quickly to wearing clothes that fit tightly around the waist. Virtually everyone suffers from trapped wind at some point in their lives but many people are too embarrassed to admit it, mainly because the symptoms include bloating, gurgling noises and flatulence. The good news is that there's a treatment for trapped wind that's discreet and effective: simply take a Rennie Deflatine® tablet and the active ingredient will gently disperse the bubbles of gas that cause the embarrassing bloating, gurgling and flatulence.