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im pretty shure u cant listin to any Lil Wayne if ur not a or ur not in a gang if ur crew catches u listing u listing to his music they will prolly think u have love for him and they'll think u are a blood behind there bak

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Q: Can you still have respect for crips if you are blood?
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Why is Justin Bieber in the crips?

no no no no no he is not in the crips nor blood

Im not a blood or a crip what are you?

I don't claim any gang, but I have much respect for both the Bloods & the Crips, as long as they're the righteous one's.

Was there a movie about bloods and crips?

blood and crips made in America

What does Crip and Blood mean?

The only differences between the Bloods & the Crips are, the Bloods wear red & the Crips wear blue. The Bloods gang is a gang under the Blood Alliance & the Crips gang is a gang under the Crip Alliance. The Bloods wear their bandana to the right, the Crips wear their bandana to the left. As far as their cause, they both pretty much have the same cause as any other gang, to do whatever they feel is necessary to earn money, power and respect.

Why cant you say crabs to crips?

Calling a Crip a crab is a disrespectful term. C.R.A.B.=Crips, Respect, All, Bloods.

Do crips still exist in California?

Yes, the Crips gang still exists in California, as well as outside of California. As long as their rivals the Bloods gang still exsits, then the Crips gang will still exist.

What are some gangs?

Blood and Crips.

Who won the crips or the blood?

With the Bloods & the Crips, nobody really wins, it's an on-going war.

Is the blood gang better than crips at violence?


What did the raise of the blood flag mean?

war between blood and crips other times its represents the bloods difference from the crips and how sides were drawn

What does a crip call a blood?

crips refer bloods as slobs and bloods call crips crabs