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YES YOU CAN and I know that you can because I am Demi Lovato. Who ever said that, you can't you are wrong. We just accepted a girl who was 11 years old and she sent in a demo C.D and now she is hanging w/ me at my studio. :)

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Q: Can you send a demo CD to Hollywood records?
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How can you get signed to cash money record label?

Create a demo. A demo is a CD of yourself rapping. Then send it to Cash money Records. Then if they like your rhymes, then they will call you back or they will write you back.

I need help finding a CD called Stand Your Ground from a band in Oxnard back 1999?

There never was a CD. They did a self released demo tape, a 7" that came out on Jitsu Records, and then there was a demo that never came out when they switched singers.

How do you get a contract with jive records?

My dad has jive records contract and they don't just hand it over you have to make a demo CD with info where they can get in contact with you and send it to them if they like ot the will ask to have a face-to-face meeting and sing to them live and then they will then give you the contract and so on and so forth No lie this is true!!!!

How would soemone convert records to CDs?

You can send the records to a special vinyl to digital internet shop, they will burn your records on a cd. You can also buy a digital vinyl player and connect it to a computer with a cd burner and burn it to a cd

Did black veil brides release a CD?

They did a 7 track demo called 'Sex & Hollywood' Their debut album is coming out July 20th

When does Selena Gomez CD come out?

Selena has not even signed on with Hollywood Recoreds yet.So, you may have to wait awhile to get her album.that's not true. she has signed with Hollywood records and her CD is coming out either this month or next.

What is a Demo CD for singing?

A demo CD is what soon to be stars use to take to record companies to get famous

Where can you purchase Hollywood records?

Hollywood records can be purchased at any retailers that sells records or other types of music. Some of those include Best Buy as long as the CD is purchased. For actual records the only option is going online or to an actual record store.

What do you do if you can sing like Nick Jonas?

contact a record label and send them a demo CD u made or try out for American idol

Are there more of the Jonas Brothers' 1st CD?

When the Jonas Brothers signed on with Hollywood Records, there former label Columbia stopped making the cd, therefore copies of the cd's are worth around $120.

What did the Jonas brothers do after the first album?

After the CD bombed , their record label dropped them . They then eventually got signed with Hollywood records .

What CD is Serpent Ride by HIM on?

From their first demo CD This Is Only The Beginning1995.