It is free to update the app.
It is currently (as of July 2015) Level 54
Once you get Bart's Tree House at level 12 you'll unlock Bart.
Tap the four sided arrow. Tap anything you want to archive. Tap the cardboard box. & Confirm.
The Simpsons Bowling happened in 2000.
The Simpsons Tapped Out is currently only available as a smartphone app.
The best app download site to get The Simpsons Tapped Out 4.5.1 is the Google Play online store.
The Simpsons tapped out will not load up on the ios 7.1 because of the bugs.
If you don't do the missions given to you on the Simpsons Tapped Out game it would be very difficult to advance and obtain more characters.
Electronic Arts
Go and tapped people head and s..t on them
tapped out does need wifi it's very anoying
You gotta get Moes tavern
he died
When the makers of it have fixed it
yes you can I think.