

AccioBrings an object to youAguamentiCreates a gush of water from the tip of the spell caster's wandAlohomoraOpens locksApareciumMakes invisible ink become visibleAvada KedavraThe Unforgivable Curse; Kills your opponent; taken from "Abra Cadabra"AviforsTurns things into birdsAvisMakes birds fly out of the end of your wandBombardaCauses a small, locally contained explosion. To make a bigger explosion, one could use "bombarda maxima"ColloportusCloses a door and binds it so that it can't be opened.ConfringoAKA the Blasting Curse; Causes the item targeted to explodeConfundusConfounds your target, or makes them temporarily confusedConjunctivitisDamages the eyesight of your opponent, making them seem to have pink eyeCrucioThe Second Unforgivable Curse, the Cruciatus Curse; Tortures your opponent mercilesslyDeletriusErases the last spell cast by a wand so that it can't be discoveredDensaugeoMakes teeth grow out of controlDiffindoMakes seams split open, severs an object into two piecesDissendiumOpens a specific passageway into a cellar, may be useful in other instances; may be only a passwordDuroTurns an item to stone.EnervateMistaken spell. Changed to Rennervate. Used to wake up a stunned personEngorgioMakes an item larger, as in swollenEpiskeyHeals relatively minor wounds.EvanescoCauses an item to immediately dissolve away, as if it had never existedExpecto PatronumCreates PatronusExpelliarmusDisarms the target of the spell, such as knocking their wand out of their handFera VertoTransforms animals into water goblets!FerulaBinds a broken limb with a splint and bandages, tightly wrappedFideliusAllows a secret to be hidden within the secret keeper's soul; very powerful spellFinite IncantatemStops any spellFlagrateAllows the user to write or draw in the air with fireFlipendoAlso knows as the Knockback Jinx, pushes or flips something backwardsFurnunculusCauses a person to break out in boilsGeminioCreates a duplicate of an item (a twin, as in the zodiacal sign Gemini).HomorphusMan-Shape; makes a werewolf or person disguised as an animal resume their human shapeImmobulusImmobilizes the targetImpedimentaPuts up an impediment that slows down something or someone that is coming toward youImperioThe third unforgivable curse. Allows the user to assume complete control of another personImperviusRepels water from a surfaceIncarcerousConjures up ropes, which then bind an opponentIncendioLights a fireLegilimensAllows the user to gain access to another's mind and memoriesLevicorpusTurns your opponent upside down and dangles them in thin airLiberacorpus"Liberates", or frees a body that has been caught up by the levicorpus spellLocomotor MortisThe Leg-Locker Curse; locks an opponent's legs togetherLumosCreates light, usually by making the tip of the wand glow. More light can be created using "lumos maxima"MobiliarbusUsed to move a tree from one place to anotherMobilicorpusUsed to move a body from one place to anotherMorsmordre or MorsmordeUsed to summon the Dark MarkMuffliatoCauses a buzzing noise to surround a limited area so that those in the area can carry on a private conversationNoxExtinguishes light, used to douse the light created by "Lumos"ObliviateMakes a person "oblivious", erasing their memories of an eventOrchideousConjures a bunch of flowers from the user's wandPetrificus TotalusTotal petrification; petrifies an opponent totallyPoint MeThe Four Point Spell; makes the user's wand act like a compassPortusTurns any item into a Portkey, which can then be used to transport a person or persons to another location.Prior IncantatoReveals to you the last spell that a wand was used to castProtegoProtects the user, and sends a spell back on an opponentQuietusMakes things quiet, used to muffle "Sonorus"ReducioShrinks an itemReductoBlasts solid objects into piecesRelashioReleases something from being constrained or heldRennervateWas originally "ennervate", but corrected by author; means to energize or wake upReparoRepairs broken itemsRepelloRepels somethingRepello MuggletumMakes an area invisible to MugglesRevelioCauses something that is hidden to be revealedRictusempraCauses a person to curl up in laughter, as if being tickledRiddikulusMakes a boggart assume a "ridiculous" form, thereby making it funny instead of terrifyingSalvio HexiaUnclear; seems to strengthen other protective spells, or to deflect any hexes cast toward a specific locationScourgifyUsed to clean dirt or other material off of a surfaceSectumsempraCauses lacerations to appear all over an opponent's body, as if they had been cut by an invisible swordSerpensortiaConjures a snakeSilencioMakes the target of the spell unable to make any sound.SonorusAmplifies the user's voiceStupefyStupefies an opponent, or knocks them insensible temporarilyTarantallegraForces an opponent's legs to dance uncontrollablyTergeoScours something cleanWaddiwasiRemoves a stuck object, as in a wad of gum that is stuck in a keyholeWingardium LeviosaAllows the user to make an object levitate; the first spell taught in the Harry Potter movies.

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AccioCharmSummons an objectAlohomoraCharmOpens locked objectsApareciumSpellReveals invisible inkAvada KadavraCurseMurders opponent UnforgivableAviforsCharmTurns small objects into birds.AvisSpellLaunches birds from your wand------CrucioCurseTortures opponent UnforgivableConfundusCharmUsed to confuse opponentConjunctivitisCurseDamages opponents eyesight------DeletriusSpellCounters "Prior Incatato"DensaugeoSpellEnlarges TeethDiffindoSpellSplits seamsDissendiumSpellOpens "One eyed witch" hump------EngorgioCharmEnlarges and itemEnnervateSpellCounters StupefyExpecto PatronumCharmCreates a PatronusExpelliarmusCharmDisarms your opponent------FerulaSpellCreates bandagesFideliusCharmHides a secret within someoneFinite IncantatumSpellStops any current spellsFlipendoJinxKnocks an object backwardsFurnunculusCurseProduces boils on opponent------HomorphusCharmLockhart's Werewolf "cure"------ImmobulusCharmRenders target immobile.ImpedimentaCharmSlows an advancing objectImperioCurseControls a person UnforgivableImperviusCharmMakes an object repel waterIncendioSpellStarts a fire------LegilimensSpellAllows the caster to delve into the mind of the victimLocomotor MortisCurseLocks opponents legsLumosSpellCreates light at wand tip------MobiliarbusCharmMoves objects with wandMobilicorpusSpellMoves unconscious bodiesMorsmordeSpellConjures the Dark Mark------NoxSpellCounter to Lumos------ObliviateCharmErases memoriesOrchideousSpellConjures a bunch of flowers------Petrificus TotalusSpellBody - BindPoint MeCharmWand acts like a compassPriori IncantatumSpellResult when brother wands duelPrior IncantatoSpellReveals a wands last spell / castProtegoCharmCause spells to reflect back to the sender. ------QuietusSpellCounter spell for Sonorus------ReducioSpellReturns items to original size. Counters EngorgioReductoSpellBlasts solid objects asideRelashioSpellReleases user from bindingRepairoSpellRepairs ThingsRictusempraCharmTickles opponentRiddikulusSpellUse this spell and laugh to defeat a boggart------ScrugeCharmDestroys ectoplasm (remains of ghosts)SerpensortiaSpellProduces SnakeSonorusSpellAmplifies voiceStupefySpellKnocks out opponent------TarantallegraSpellForces opponent to dance------WaddiwasiSpellUnsticks an objectWingardium LeviosaCharmMakes on object fly

Hope this helps. That is a lot of spells so there. What are you using these for...? never mind I don't want to know. Bye!

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