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Hi, In my personal opinion... Since purity rings are considered (most of the time) to be of a christian nature it would depend on your relationship with God, if you have confessed and been forgiven, gorget about the past. On the other hand, wearing a purity ring could do NO harm. I think its just a way to help a young person struggling with the temptation of having sex as a reminder right there. (Or at least that is why I wear mine) Go for it!!! Remember, you dont even have to tell anyone if you dont want to, or even wear it in the typical (left hand ring finger) place. It is a commitment to yourself (and God, if that is what you should choose)

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โˆ™ 16y ago
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โˆ™ 16y ago

By wearing a purity ring it means you shall not have sex until after marriage, or have unpure thoughts. This does not mean you cannot kiss. You can kiss just so long as you dont do it unpurley such as do it for fun.

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โˆ™ 15y ago

I think that would be based upon personal belief. I believe that purity has to do with not having sex before marriage and staying pure. Kissing I don't see as a big deal in that matter, but if it bothers you then I would say not to anyway. Do what will allow you to keep peace of mind.

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โˆ™ 16y ago

Of course you can. Purity rings just mean that you will stay pure ( as in a virgin ) until after you've married. If can be pure and still have a boyfriend.

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โˆ™ 15y ago

Yes. you just can't do "you know what" if you have a purity ring

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yes she has some fashionable rings and also purity ring , but she wears the purity ring on a necklace yes she has some fashionable rings and also purity ring , but she wears the purity ring on a necklace

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The purity ring is a symbol. The ring's symbolism is determined by the individual who is wearing the icon (the ring). Therefore, any relevance to "purity" is denoted by the individual who wears the ring.

Are purity ring cool?

Yes, I love purity rings, I am going to start wearing one.

If you have a purity ring can you still kiss your girl?

Yes, wearing a purity ring does not prohibit you from kissing someone. The purpose of a purity ring is to symbolize a commitment to abstain from certain behaviors, typically sexual activity, until marriage. Kissing is generally considered an expression of affection and is not typically included in the abstinence commitment.

Is it ok for a Catholic to have a purity ring?

Why not , a purity ring is symobolic, everytime you look at it it reminds you to be pure. But the real will is in you. There is absolutely no harm in wearing one.

What does one do with one's purity ring when they get marriedengaged?

the whole point of a purity ring is to wate intil you get married to kiss our have any other romantic behavor

How many adolescents wear a purity ring?

I have never even seen anyone wearing a purity ring, so would not even recognise a purity ring if I saw one. Nor have I ever seen a purity ring in a shop, so it seems they are qute rare outside the United States.

Do you wear a purity ring while sleeping?


Why did Kevin stop wearing his purity ring?

Kevin stopped wearing his ring becuz he didn't want to be with Brittney Jame begged him to go back to her. Kevin stopped wearing his ring becuz he didn't want to be with Brittney Jame begged him to go back to her.

What does Selena Gomez keep with her at all times?

A Purity Ring which she wears on a necklace, if she isn't wearing it, it's in her purse

Is nick stell waring his purity ring?

yes, although u might not see it in some pictures, but yes, he still is. if he wasn't, he'd be married, so he's not married and he's still wearing his purity ring.