Ferry Jele's birth name is Ferry Busisiwe Jele.
Lewis Ferry Moody died in 1953.
Bryan Ferry is 65 years old (birthdate: September 26, 1945).
It's actually the Middlesbrough Transporter Bridge http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Middlesbrough_Transporter_Bridge, not a ferry.
Jules Ferry was born on April 5, 1832 and died on March 17, 1893. Jules Ferry would have been 60 years old at the time of death or 183 years old today.
1,999,000 1,999,000
yes, take a ferry from panama city.
There are no passenger ferries from West America to Sydney.
Aboard ships
The cast of Happy Holidays America - 2003 includes: Suzanne Sumner Ferry as herself
America with Tim Ferry, Ryan Villapoto, and Ricky Carmichael
Not far away, about 1/2 day's journey by car or ferry.
A homophone for "ferry" is "fairy."
The address of the Snipes Family Of America Inc is: 5607 Paces Ferry Dr, Durham, NC 27712-2190
David Ferry has written: 'David Ferry'