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yes you can beacuase its a very special ferry

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Q: Can you get a ferry to America?
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How long did a ferry or boat take from Ireland to America?

1,999,000 1,999,000

Can you drive a car to south America?

yes, take a ferry from panama city.

How long would it take to go in a passenger ferry from West America to Sydney?

There are no passenger ferries from West America to Sydney.

How did immigrants who went through Ellis Island get to America?

Aboard ships

What actors and actresses appeared in Happy Holidays America - 2003?

The cast of Happy Holidays America - 2003 includes: Suzanne Sumner Ferry as herself

Who won the 2007 Motocross des Nations?

America with Tim Ferry, Ryan Villapoto, and Ricky Carmichael

Is Nova Scotia near the US of America?

Not far away, about 1/2 day's journey by car or ferry.

What is a homophone for ferry?

A homophone for "ferry" is "fairy."

Where is the Snipes Family Of America Inc in Durham North Carolina located?

The address of the Snipes Family Of America Inc is: 5607 Paces Ferry Dr, Durham, NC 27712-2190

What has the author David Ferry written?

David Ferry has written: 'David Ferry'