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No: I have often wondered the same thing but the density of the tree is harder than the herring therefore the tree would wear away the herring before the herring could cut down the tree, Unless of course the herring was fired from something making it go fast enough to crack the tree. You never know. Gotta love Monty Python.


No, no one can chop down any tree with a fish. A herring is a kind of fish. You can't chop down a tree of any or type with a fish, let alone a mighty oak. Attempting to chop down a tree with a fish would most likely result in the death of the fish and a tree with no damage inflicted upon it. No fish should be used to chop down any tree whatsoever. (Unless you are from Monty Python and you say Ni).

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Q: Can you chop down a mighty oak with a herring?
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