at security, they will take the lid. that way if you throw it, or it gets thrown, it wont hurt who it hits.
His first concert was a Nickelback concert.
The duration of Concert Tonight is 3600.0 seconds.
Just what it sounds like, a seat on the lawn. It entitles you to spread out a blanket and sit on the grassy hillside around the venue to watch and listen to the concert. It is not covered, so sun and rain can be a factor, but they are much cheaper tickets! Check the venue rules for what sort of seating you can bring, some allow lawn chairs, most do not. Some allow non-glass containers, some no containers.
The most watched concert was the 12/12/12 sandy relief concert. It was streamed to over 2 billion devices.
if you mean the one in Washington DC ....... i do, i was there
Yeah but you can't bring your video camera! Also it depends on where concert is.
No, you are not allowed to bring drugs to the Flatbush Zombie concert in Pomona California.
You could probably bring a camera, phone, etc. That's what I bought to the last concert I went to?
No, you are not supposed to bring drugs to the Flatbush Zombie concert.
ear plugs
if they like them
LOTS OF MONEY. And a v.i.p Pass
you should bring 50 to 60 bucks...
If your under the age of 18