Neo Matsunyane's birth name is Neo Muntu Matsunyane.
Neo Kian Hong was born in 1964.
Neo Matsunyane was born on January 17, 1967, in Johannesburg, South Africa.
he killed neo
matrix by aki Neo is the lead character in the Matrix Trilogy, consisting of The Matrix, The Matrix Reloaded, and The Matrix Revolutions.
Dragonoid's evolutions in the Bakugan series are Cross Dragonoid, Helix Dragonoid, Lumino Dragonoid, Blitz Dragonoid, Titanium Dragonoid, Fusion Dragonoid, Sky & Gaia Dragonoid, and Mutant Dragonoid. Each evolution showcases different abilities and strengths in battle.
neo dragonoid
the old neo dragonoid cant have any G power past 523 the neo dragonoid that makes maxus dragonoid has about 600 Gs but,the neo dragonoid that makes dragonoid collossus just alone has 1480Gs
I don't know but my darkus neo dragonoid has 520g's.
the DNA code for neo dragonoid is 6ALZN USS6S
some bakugan traps can combine also if you have neo dragonoid and 6 other traps then your able to create maxus drago
in bakugan pyro dragonoid is the evolved form of neo dragonoid
There both the same exept neo drago vortex has more g power!
No neo dragonoid does not spin but the new neo dragonoid vortex spins the exact same way he does in the show with the top half of him opening while it spins when he's put on the card
One thing is Hyper Dragonoid is a cancled bakugan ball.
depends on how many g's it has, daa!