yes they can on several occasions when doing comprehesive tank clean I have seen several tiny red wriggling worms on bottom of tank how on earth do they come back to life after being frozen for such a long time?
He never died. He was just 'frozen' by the Angel of Destiny. He comes back during the last episode.
Because everything is frozen.
no he never
That life is short and will end
of course, all saltwater & freshwater fish can eat frozen bloodworms.
no they can not
Frozen bloodworms
No frozen things are dead and they don't come back to life.
Depends on the fish, my betta's get a treat of frozen bloodworms or live mosquitos.
Larger fish are often fed live foods such as brine shrimp, or frozen foods such as bloodworms.
No, if a rattlesnake is truly frozen, it is dead and can not come back to life.
Bloodworms are worms. They contain many cells.
it's kind of a matter of personal opinion i like them on a diet of: frozen bloodworms frozen brine shrimp freeze dried black worms beefheart flake and pellets I mix and match so they never get bored
Bloodworms are not bad for bettas, they love them and it's similar to their natural diet. The only danger is that live and sometimes frozen bloodworms have a chance of carrying a disease, but the frozen and dried ones are usually safe. If your betta gets overstuffed then you have to stop feeding them for a few days, and on the third or fourth day give them a fragment of cooked pea which will clear out their digestive system. But that is true of any food they eat too much of.
it's kind of a matter of personal opinion i like them on a diet of: frozen bloodworms frozen brine shrimp freeze dried black worms beefheart flake and pellets I mix and match so they never get bored