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A sibling is any person who is either brother or sister to that person. Half siblings and step-siblings are the same, are the same, but half sibling is a half-brother or half sister, and a step sibling is a step brother or step sister. No matter what your age, any brother or sister is considered a sibling.

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Q: Can elder brother call his younger brother and sister as siblings?
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In the English language it does not matter whether it is your elder brother or your younger brother. It does not matter if you are talking about the child of a brother or a sister. The daughter of any brother or sister is your niece. The son of any brother or sister is your nephew.

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In English, the wife of your brother (elder or younger) is your sister-in-law. If you have a child, she is your child's aunt.

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A sister is called either akka or chelli in Telugu. akka is elder sister and chelli is younger sister. Father's brothers daughters and mother's sisters daughters are also called sister in Telugu but maternal uncle's daughters or paternal aunt's daughters are not called sisters they are called " vadina" if she is yelder to you and "Maradalu" if she is younger.

Does Diana have any siblings?

Princess Diana has several siblings. She has three elder sisters and one younger brother. Her brother, Charles Spencer, read the eulogy at her funeral in 1997.

What is the relationship term for your elder brother's wife?

The wife of your brother is your "sister-in-law" In English, this is true whether the brother is older or younger than you are.