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How low can you go and how high can you sing? That is helpful to know because for all practical purposes, that helps determine the part that you will sing. If you are one of the lucky people with a wide range, then the part which you should sing depends on the shape of your mouth. Open your throat and play an A on the piano. Sing the sound of the letter A as in the article A, as in A man. The back of your tongue is at your first fromat, an amplification point. Move your tongue around around in your mouth as you sing various vowel sounds. If you find you have a total of three fromats, you are a soprano. If you have four fromats, you are an alto.

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15y ago
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14y ago

If you have a range that a first soprano needs, you should consult your conductor or director and ask to move. However, if you are in the middle of preparing for a concert or there aren't enough people who are second sopranos, you may need to be a second soprano for a while to have vocal balance. If you can change to first soprano, congrats! Otherwise, remember that second soprano, being in the middle of the female voice parts, can often be the most difficult and require the most skill. Embrace this opportunity to expand your range and skills.

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16y ago

Not sure what you're after, but a soprano is the highest range of voice (or instrument).

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15y ago

If you want to sing Opera you should take a lesson and if that does not work ask the madgestical QW she knows everything and if she does not help you than look it up on Google dummie

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13y ago

Well, sometimes you can take vocal lessons, but that rarely happens. Most of the time you have to be born a soprano too be a soprano.

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12y ago

Any singer, including sopranos, reads the notes from their sheet of music. Sometines, the notes are all memorized, and they sing the notes from memory.

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12y ago

Of course! but it depends on the voice.

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Which property of sound most clearly explains the difference between a woman's soprano voice and a man's bass voice?

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Is first soprano higher than second soprano?

1st soprano is higher than 2nd soprano.

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Madonna is a mezzo-soprano.

What is a soprano role?

The role of the soprano is singing melody and is the highest singing voice. The soprano voice usually an octave above the other parts but not an absolute rule for sometimes the soprano takes the lower notes. Usually this would occur in a choir or a four part song. It goes like this: Soprano, Alto (women) Tenor, Base (usually men) but if a women has a very low range alto voice she can sing a man tenor part.

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She is a Lyric-Coloratura Soprano.

Is jeanie seely a soprano or alto?

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No, she is a Mezzo Soprano.

Who was junior soprano's nephew?

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Kelly Clarkson is classified as a soprano artist.

The highest range of notes is sung by?

The answer is: Soprano

What voice type are you?

Voice Types by Range and Tessitura. If you sing in a choir or take voice lessons, you have probably already been classified as a soprano, mezzo-soprano, or contralto (alto) if you are a woman, and a countertenor, tenor, baritone, or bass if you are a man.

What is Charice Pempengco's voice type?

She can hit mezzo-soprano notes But She Has the ability of a soprano of colature she is clasified as a soprano.