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_____________________________________________________________Reliable Answer: (See list of sources below) Both of these animals are powerful and fierce carnivores. But scientists say that in a fight between a Bengal tiger and an African lion, there is a 90% chance that the tiger will win. It is a well-known fact that tigers are the biggest cats in the world. Not only this, but tigers are noticeably more muscular, and better fighters. It is actually a myth that lions are better fighters than tigers, because tigers compete with eachother for territory just as much as lions fight for a pride. Tigers also have experience fighting with many animals; Bengal tigers can easily kill large crocodiles and black bears, and Siberian tigers have been known to attack and kill huge adult brown bears. Tigers have been noticed as better fighters because they are more swift, agile, feirce, and have better eye-coordination. They have a stronger jaw force and paw-swipe. However, it is not true that tigers have longer fangs than lions. The skulls of these two cats have been compared, and usually their canines are about the same. The term "King" comes from the fact that a lion's mane looks like a crown, and the fact that they rule a pride. A lion's mane can offer it protection from bites to the neck. This is especially helpful when facing hyenas, which have a very deadly bite. However, a tiger will not always go for the lion's neck, but instead will usually attack it's limbs, eyes, head, and face. The lion's mane also gives enemies somthing to hold on to while fighting, and it slows the lion down. As tigers do not have manes they are faster. And the difference between the two cats' lifestyles adds on to which is more intelligent: Living a solitary life results in the tiger being more cunning. The tiger also hunts larger prey than the lion. The largest prey that lions hunt is the african buffalow, a species of african cattle. Tigers, however, are exelent at hunting guar, which is the largest type of cattle in the world. There are also differences in the way the two animals fight. Lions tend to stand on three legs, and use one paw to fight. Tigers normally balance on their hind legs and use both front paws to fight, giving them a huge advantage. Tigers also use "trickery", keep their heads back, and use well thought-out moves when fighting, while lions are known for blindly charging. Another important feature in how well the animals fight is the way their bodies are built. Lions are built more stiffly than tigers, and their bodies are more compact. Lions sometimes appear more muscular in the forelimbs, but tigers simply have more fur covering their muscles, so they are harder to see. Tigers also have more flexible muscles then lions. The lion DOES have an advantage though: courage. Lions are braver, and less likely to back down from a fight. There have been reports of tigers submitting to lions when they meet in reserves, so they can avoid injury. But if the lion refuses to leave the tiger alone, than the tiger is probably going to end up victorious. Within the Bengal tiger scientists found a most disturbing ferocity. When it comes to the decision to fight, this cat attacks violently, most often winning in any fight against a lion. In the end, the tiger's agility and accuracy comes out on top. 80% of experts agree that the tiger is the dominate cat. But not only National Geographic reporters say so. There are many polls on the internet where people can vote on who they think would win, and one can see that many more people bet on the tiger than the lion. SOURCES: National Geographic, Discovery Channel, PBS nature._________________________________________________________________

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โˆ™ 15y ago
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โˆ™ 12y ago
First Opinion : Tiger WinsTigers and lions are both fierce, powerful, and intelligent cats, each being the apex predator of it's habitat. But to find out which animal would win in a fight, they would have to be compared in many different ways. in this case, we are going to compare the African lion and Bengal tiger. (The most common and well-known lion and tiger.) There are many things important in a fight: size, strength, jaw force, paw swipe, agility, intelligence, and fighting skill.

First of all, the tiger is heavier and larger overall, so it has the size advantage. Though this is certainly not the most important thing in a fight, it is still important. You do not see a house cat beating a German shepherd, because even though cats move faster and more fiercely, the dog is simply much, much bigger. Basically, size DOES matter. But a Bengal tiger isn't THAT much bigger than a lion, so in this case, power and skill may be more important. Many people think that the lion is stronger than the tiger because they appear to be more muscular. Tigers are actually more muscular, but their muscles are sometimes harder to see because of their longer fur and vertical stripes. The tiger is more similar in build to the jaguar than the lion, and the jaguar is the world's strongest cat (for its size.) A very important feature of strength is the animal's jaw force. The tiger has a wider skull, and the lion's is longer. Animals with wider skulls have a stronger bite, because the force of the bite is concentrated more on one area, instead of being spread out over some length. The tiger's canines are also a bit longer than the lion's, which is very easy to see in photos.

As for the animal's paw swipe, this is the major part of the animal's overall strength, and is the subject of debate. The tiger certainly has stronger hind legs. They use them to leap great distances and kill prey. But the lion has stronger front paws, which is more important in a fight. The tiger's stronger back legs allow it to balance on them, and use both of its forepaws to fight. The lion usually uses just one paw at a time, not because its arms are stronger, but because it cannot balance on two legs as well as the tiger. And if you have seen tigers fight, you will have noticed the amazing speed they swipe with. But while the tiger's punches are faster, the lion's are harder and stronger. Still, the more muscled the animal's limbs are, the faster the animal can move them. The tiger would have the edge in strength.

The most important part of a fight is the animal's fighting skill. A big myth exists inn this regard. Many people think that because a male lion fights for his pride against other males, the lion has more fighting skill. It is also said that "A lion fights and doesn't hunt, and a tiger hunts and doesn't fight." This is a ridiculous theory. The world is not all perfect and orderly like that; just because a male lion fights a lot and doesn't hunt much, does not mean that a tiger hunts and doesn't fight much. In fact, male lions DO hunt, and they do so very efficiently. And as for tigers, the average male tiger fights more over the course of his life than the average male lion. Tigers fight with other tigers, sometimes to the death, to win the heart of a female. And female tigers fight off hungry males to defend their cubs. The shrinking habitat of the tiger is causing even more battles over territory, battles that both tigers AND tigresses fight in. And there are many other animals that these cats fight with. Lion prides have wars against packs of hyenas, and tigers deal with wild dogs and crocodiles. Perhaps the most impressive thing is that tigers have been known to attack and kill adult brown bears, animals that lions would not stand a chance against. Tigers and lions fight a bit differently, as well. Tigers seem to use a bit more 'skill' in fighting, for example, keeping their heads back while battling. Lions have been known to blindly charge into battle; it's just the way they fight each other. Unfortunately, this would be a weakness when fighting a tiger, because experts have noticed that tigers seem to think things through a bit more when they fight.

Now, let's refer to the lion and tiger's strengths and weaknesses. A key feature in a fight is speed. Being cats, both tigers and lions use amazing speed when fighting. But when it comes down to it, the tiger is clearly faster. Like I said before, if you have seen a tiger fight before, you probably noticed the rapid speed they swipe and throw punches with. This is one of the tiger's strengths. It also has another advantage: accuracy and evasiveness. Tigers are more accurate when they strike, and they are also better at dodging opponent's blows. Note that a lion's mane slows it down during a fight, which is why the agility and evasiveness are the tiger's advantages. And of coarse, there is the case of the lion's mane. The lion's mane protects it's neck from fatal throat bites. This is the lion's advantage. In fights, tigers do not attack with a bite to the throat. In a television show called "Animal Face-Off", the lion won because his mane protected him when the tiger attempted a throat-bite. The problem with this exhibition was that the "experts" think that a cat is going to bring predatory hunting skills into a fight. ''They were wrong''. In a fight, both tigers and lions will attack each other's head, face, spine, and legs. And there is another thing that can prove to be an advantage: stamina. The tiger would probably win this, because tigers fight bears, and bears have a longer stamina than cats.

This is probably a very important part in a fight: Which animal is smarter? To decide this, experts would have to consider the habitat and behaviors of these two carnivores. The lion lives out on the open savanna, which is a simpler biome. Tigers, on the other hand, live in the dense jungle. This is a complex biome, even to look at, not to mention navigate through. The tiger spots prey with his keen eyes in this habitat. The jungle also includes some grassland and open fields, so the tiger has experience chasing prey and fighting to take it down, as well as being an ambush killer. The lion, on the other hand, hunts in a pride. Hunting in packs has been proven to require a lot of strategy and coordination (as with wolves, for example). Lions chase down their prey, directing it from one lion to the other, and creating a half-moon or semicircle around it. They have many other strategies to take down their prey that a tiger would never use. However, studies on the big cats' brains have shown that the tiger's mind is more developed then the lion's. This probably has something to do with their evolution. And one more thing about the topic of habitat and lifestyle: the kind of prey the tiger and lion hunt. We already established that these animals do not bring hunting skills into a fight. But some people speculate that lions are stronger because they hunt huge buffalo, and tigers only hunt deer. Actually, tigers hunt the largest cattle in the world: the guar, and they have even been known to take down small Asian elephants. It takes a whole pride of lions to take down a large African elephant. This is looking pretty one-sided, isn't it?

But, there is still one very, very important topic to consider. The animals' courage and ferocity. Courage is the lion's major advantage. It is true that, when lions and tigers meet in reserves, tigers sometimes submit to lions. Male lions can seem more aggressive, and naturally take control over the situation, like a true king. And when they fight, they don't easily back down, they fight with a stubborn desire to win. (This is another advantage) But the reason for this is NOT that tigers are cowards, they are simply trying to avoid an unnecessary fight. When a lion insists on a battle, and the tiger is pressed to fight, the tables are turned. Within the Bengal tiger scientists found a most disturbing ferocity, and when it comes to the decision to fight, this cat attacks bravely and violently, most often winning any fight against a lion.

In the end, the tiger's agility, stamina, ferocity, and power comes out on top. The majority of experts agree that the tiger would be victorious about 90% of the time. (9 out of 10 fights) So now, it is clear that the tiger is the true king of beasts.

Second Opinion : Lion WinsA tigers hunts are 20 out of 100 successful. A successful hunt for a cheetah is 50 out of 100. A lion is 45 out of 100.

Lion advantages; A lion is smarter, because lionesses chase a prey to the other lionesses and often do an important trick that a tiger will never do. A lion must be clever and smart to conquer other members for food. One lioness chases the prey to other lions, which have formed a semicircle, which makes the lion the more successful hunter (45% chance for successful hunt while tigers 10-15%). He is also more skilled because a male spends his first 4 years preparing for a fight for a pride. In that time he also become more patient and more aggressive because he survives 2 years as a member of the pride on his own. He is faster, because he's a lighter animal. He has a much stronger paw swipe and the same bite force. He has more courage and the important part is that a lion is the second biggest cat, after the Siberian tiger. Some lions are larger than many tigers.

Tiger advantages : A Bengal tiger sometimes kills people's cattle and then, they start to accumulate body fat. A tiger is then a heavier cat. Also, living in the jungle, the tiger has agility. But this is the end of tiger's strengths.

In a fair fight between African lion and Bengal tiger the African lion will be the victor.

Lions are not just the size of a tiger, but they are better fighters. A male lion spends 4 years learning for the fight for a pride. People think that tigers are more skilled because they fight as much as lion does for a pride. Here a fact to disagree with this remark. Lionesses do most of he hunting but when a pride finds something big they all join the hunt and don't quit until they've made their kill. Even males. There are few clips where a single lioness chases the entire elephant herd for about 60 meters. Every animal on African plains flees when it sees lion coming. Lions had evolved as fighters. All what a male lion does is protecting his pride. Male is just ready to risk his life to protect all what he has. On the other hand male tiger has evolved in more hunting lifestyle because not only because tigers have larger territories than lions but also because animals in the jungle are further spread out. Male tiger spends a lot of his time looking for a suitable prey like axis deer or wild boar. He is less interested in fight because tigress won't help him. Tiger forequarters appear easily on tigers short fur. Because of the lion's mane it is usually the lionesses who are compared to male tigers but some people claim them to be tigresses. Lions had been noticed as better fighters because they are smarter, braver faster and have better eye coordination which leads to fantastic dodges it does. It makes more damage with his claws and has stronger pawswipe. His mane supports him in the fight it would not evolve it it would do nothing. Lions are also more aggressive, fierce and determined fighters and they like to fight more than tigers.

The tiger is a fierce Asian cat with big retractable claws. The tiger strikes from cover so it doesn't need to run that fast as lions do. Tigers had been told to have wider jaws than lions this letting them to have stronger bite force. But the fact is, tigers "broad" on their cheeks and under the chin makes the tigers head look wider than they actually are but has the function as lion's mane only in a miniature version. According to real measurements lions head is longer and wider. Tigers are also said to use two paws at a time while lion must have 3 paws on the ground. This is not true. Lion's stand on 3 as much as on two. There's another myth that tigers hunt gaur regularly and that biggest prey lions hunt on is the African buffalo. In fact the tiger hunts gaur as much as lion hunt on giraffe or hippo, and pride of lions can take down an elephant in less that half an hour while it takes hours for tiger to take down smaller Asian elephant.

The tiger does stand a chance against male lion, strength. Tigers have more strength and can drag 100Ibs heavier prey over the same distance. Tigers use their stronger hind legs to do that. Tigers have more strength. However when working on a throat bite the scientists found most annoying piece that it takes the jaws almost no power to suffocate a deer giving the lion huge advantage. When the lion will see the opportunity for a throat bite when fighting with a tiger, the lion will use it. This means lion will use throat bite to end the fight quickly, most often defeating any tiger specie at all

In the end, it is obvious that a lion would be the victor. Lions supreme skills and unexpected throat bite comes to the real king of the beasts. Surely they don't give superior titles for nothing. The lion is the dominant cat. But not only Animal Planet and Discovery Channel say so. There are some people trying to prove the tiger to be better but no one supports them so they make multiple accounts to support themselves, P.S. Size of the company does not affect in anyways. Animal Planet agrees that a lion would win.


What you observe in many of the YouTube videos are edits that highlight the cat they favor most, as well as videos that are untouched but rather show strengths and why their favored cat is likely to win. There has not been a unedited video that has shown an actual death in either case to my knowledge. So now we go to the century-long question : which side would win in a fight (drum roll): the answer when size, power and speed are equal or even with the tiger having a slight advantage is still the Lion. At least in a long term fight to the death. But in short term bickering, minor brawls the tiger wins. This is because the strength and size are to the tigers advantage for a few minutes of the fight but as we all should know, this consumes up more oxygen, and ends up being why the tiger would lose. The lion can be seen as stubborn and would swim a race til the end even if it meant drowning, while the smarter tiger would swim part way and return back as to not drown, surviving but losing the race.

Historically, from the Coliseum in Rome to modern times, the tiger has been the victor more often than the lion.

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โˆ™ 13y ago

If a battle will take place between male Bengal tiger and male African lion there is about 90% chance(9 out of 10 fights) that a lion will defeat the tiger.

It is a myth that tigers are better fighters or more agile. A lion is agile too, but many people forget that. Lions fight every minute of their life for meal and pride. It is actually myth that tigers are as good fighters as lions. Some people say that male tiger fights sometimes to death to winb heart of a female and tigress fights off hungry males.

A lioness will fight off hyenas and males fight for pride as much as tigers.In this point, their fighting skills are equal. But last lions hunt a prey almost every day but because only 40% (4 out of 10 hunts)are success, only oince a 2 or 3 days they hunt. This is natural. Lions hunt better because they are more intellinent and hunt togerher.Then a male comes and other lionesses and start eating. Normally it ends as a fight.If you trhink that lions in pride are like mother and child you're wrong. Lions often fight with each other over food unlike e.g. mother cheetah and her almost aldut cubs.

Now I've told ya one out of two most important strenghts. Skills. There are skills and power. Skills include aggression+experience and power include bite force,paw swipe and just power.

Bite force: A bite of lion in one test reached around 1400Ib.The tiger got around 1400Ib either. The wider skull has less bite force but longer skull makes your bite weaker too. The short and narrow face makes more bitting pressure. Both bite is around 1400Ib.

Paw swipe:Lion boxes with one paw but tiger boxes with two. Tiger paw swipes are fast but lack of full damage. Lion boxes with one paw, these are usually slow but carry a lot of weight behind them.

Aggression:When a male lion meets other male, it fights to end to win the pride. Sometimes those fights can carry fatal injury, which in African is very bad. Even a leopard will finish off with him.Lions practise their skills when fighting over food.

A myth is, but it was proven, that tiger canines are longer.Both canines are the size of around 5 inches long. However lion got longer claws up to 5 inches long and tigers are usually 4.5 inches, but they can reach 5 inches. Both canines and cxlaws are for both cats around 5 inches.

Tiger score

Tigers are heavier and more muscles equals being stronger.

Lion score

Lion has stronger paw swipe, they are better fighters, their claws are usually longer, they are more aggressive, and they are morew intellingent.

AnswerIf an African lion will meet Bengal tiger, The lion will most likely to win.
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shanshan Jiang

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โˆ™ 3y ago

A lot of people will say lion , however they are wrong because they are just stupid lion fans that know nothing about a tiger's advantages. The tiger will win because it is stronger! heavier, more agile, bigger, has longer canines, is a better fighter, is smarter, and is not lazy and waits for females to hunt. Tigers rule and lions are no sicken beans

A lot of people will say lion , however they are wrong because they are just stupid lion fans that know nothing about a tiger's advantages. The tiger will win because it is stronger! heavier, more agile, bigger, has longer canines, is a better fighter, is smarter, and is not lazy and waits for females to hunt. Tigers rule and lions are no sicken beans

A lot of people will say lion , however they are wrong because they are just stupid lion fans that know nothing about a tiger's advantages. The tiger will win because it is stronger! heavier, more agile, bigger, has longer canines, is a better fighter, is smarter, and is not lazy and waits for females to hunt. Tigers rule and lions are no sicken beans

A lot of people will say lion , however they are wrong because they are just stupid lion fans that know nothing about a tiger's advantages. The tiger will win because it is stronger! heavier, more agile, bigger, has longer canines, is a better fighter, is smarter, and is not lazy and waits for females to hunt. Tigers rule and lions are no sicken beans

A lot of people will say lion , however they are wrong because they are just stupid lion fans that know nothing about a tiger's advantages. The tiger will win because it is stronger! heavier, more agile, bigger, has longer canines, is a better fighter, is smarter, and is not lazy and waits for females to hunt. Tigers rule and lions are no sicken beans

A lot of people will say lion , however they are wrong because they are just stupid lion fans that know nothing about a tiger's advantages. The tiger will win because it is stronger! heavier, more agile, bigger, has longer canines, is a better fighter, is smarter, and is not lazy and waits for females to hunt. Tigers rule and lions are no sicken beans

A lot of people will say lion , however they are wrong because they are just stupid lion fans that know nothing about a tiger's advantages. The tiger will win because it is stronger! heavier, more agile, bigger, has longer canines, is a better fighter, is smarter, and is not lazy and waits for females to hunt. Tigers rule and lions are no sicken beans

A lot of people will say lion , however they are wrong because they are just stupid lion fans that know nothing about a tiger's advantages. The tiger will win because it is stronger! heavier, more agile, bigger, has longer canines, is a better fighter, is smarter, and is not lazy and waits for females to hunt. Tigers rule and lions are no sicken beans

A lot of people will say lion , however they are wrong because they are just stupid lion fans that know nothing about a tiger's advantages. The tiger will win because it is stronger! heavier, more agile, bigger, has longer canines, is a better fighter, is smarter, and is not lazy and waits for females to hunt. Tigers rule and lions are no sicken beans

A lot of people will say lion , however they are wrong because they are just stupid lion fans that know nothing about a tiger's advantages. The tiger will win because it is stronger! heavier, more agile, bigger, has longer canines, is a better fighter, is smarter, and is not lazy and waits for females to hunt. Tigers rule and lions are no sicken beans

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โˆ™ 13y ago

yes a male tiger can beat another male tiger

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shanshan Jiang

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โˆ™ 3y ago

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โˆ™ 15y ago

It might be possible. But, it would be hard to. A tiger has more power so it would be easy for the tiger to win the battle.

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โˆ™ 8y ago

Unlikely as the tiger is considerably larger than a jaguar. It would also be a geographical impossibility as the animals are not found on the same continents.

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โˆ™ 4y ago


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Q: Can a male lion defeat a male tiger?
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Which is most brave between lion and tiger?

male african lion is bravest than siberian tiger.lion(born to fight) ,tiger(born to hunt)

Who is stronger a lion or tiger?

in all the time male african lion weight 150 to 250 kg and african lion weight 190 kg and male siberian tiger weight 180 to 300 . some 215 kg in male in male bengal tiger weight 205 kg bit force lion 1000 psi siberian 950 psi run lion 80 km and siberian tiger 50km . weapon siberian and bengal tiger and african lion 10 cm lion kill a zebra Gazelle Buffalo Impala hippopotamus Giraffe some time leopard Chita or elephant but tiger kill a leopard salt water croc Gaur or monkey fish or impala lions 20000 and tigers 4500 in the world american lion much bigger than smilodon pop..... and ngandong tiger . and male barbary lion 270 to 300 kg and siberian tiger 180 to 300 kg siberian tiger 240 kg and barbary lion 285 kg . male lion are stronger than male tiger b.....e male lion in all the time in war but tiger not but now b.....e not barbary lion or cave lion or american lion or natodmeri lion extinction and not in world tiger stronger . and biggest barbary lion in newyork city zoo in usa 1897 old name barbary lion is sultan and weight 450 kg and biggest male siberian tiger weight 423 kg in zoo and lion stronger

Who would win lion or leopard?

Lion easily. male lion weigh 500 lbs and a male leopard only weighs 200 lbs.

Who are the strongest lion or tiger?

A lot of people will say lion , however they are wrong because they are just stupid lion fans that know nothing about a tiger's advantages. The tiger will win because it is stronger! heavier, more agile, bigger, has longer canines, is a better fighter, is smarter, and is not lazy and waits for females to hunt. Tigers rule and lions are no sicken beans

Can an African lion kill a Siberian tiger?

A lot of people will say lion , however they are wrong because they are just stupid lion fans that know nothing about a tiger's advantages. The tiger will win because it is stronger! heavier, more agile, bigger, has longer canines, is a better fighter, is smarter, and is not lazy and waits for females to hunt. Tigers rule and lions are no sicken beans

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What are a male and female lion's names?

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What is a mixture of a lion and a tiger?

Male lion + female tiger = ligerMale tiger + female lion = tigon

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Male lion + female tiger = ligerMale tiger + female lion = tigon

Can a bunny be mixed with a tiger?

A liger is a cross between a male lion and a female tiger. The opposite (male tiger/female lion) is called a tiglon.

What is the offspring from a male lion and female tiger called?

A male lion and a female tiger would produce a liger.

What is produced when you cross a male tiger and a female tiger?

umm.. just spitballing but I think a baby tiger

What is a lion plus tiger's cub?

If a lion and tiger have a cub it's called a liger or tigon.

What is a cross of a lion and a tiger?

Male lion and female tiger - liger.Male tiger and female lion - tigon.

What is The name of mixed child of lion and tiger?

There are two hybrids of a lion and a tiger 1. Liger - a hybrid cross between a male lion and a tigress (female tiger) 2. Tigon - a hybrid cross between a male tiger and a lioness (female lion)

When lion and tigers mate what do you call their cubs?

The result of a tiger and lion mating is a liger.

Who is bigger a male lion or a male tiger?

Tigers are the largest big cat, so the tiger.

Tiger plus lion is a tigon true or false?

False, if a male lion and female tiger than the result is a liger, but, if a female lion and a male tiger then the result we be a tion. Tigon is very close though